
Should I call the teacher?

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My daughter's teacher has done a few things that have really been grating on my nerves. We have a WASL test which is our state test and she put a LOT of pressure on them to do well and told them their scores would be published in our local paper. She ask them every morning what they ate and told them if she thought it was adequate or not. My daughter had a stomach ache about the test and was stressed about her breakfast. I find this ridiculous because her teacher knows me and my kids always eat a good breakfast, it may not be eggs like she said but it is a good healthy breakfast and In my opion she was over stepping her bounds. She is also an A+ student and should not have been made to feel nauscious about a test that I am positive she passed. not that kids who struggle should be made to feel that way either.

Now the just took a reading test and she wanted them to improve by 13 points, which is a whole grade level. My daughter only improved 3 points and was almost in tears.




  1. The teacher is probably getting a lot of pressure placed on her by the administration.  Her job security could even depend on how well her students do on these tests.  Not to mention the general pressure and emotions that the end of the school year brings.  Give her a little slack.  You said she's a really good teacher.   Teachers are not perfect human beings; we don't always say the exact right thing or make the right decisions all the time.  We also can't control the kids' home lives, so she's doing the best she can with what she has to work with.  Trust me, teachers don't like all the testing any more than the parents or the students do.  The testing is not the teacher's fault.  She's just doing her job.  Take it up with the county or school board or even the state--that's where testing regulations are made up.

  2. Well ... I agree the pressure is insane.  Standardized tests are rarely the best measure of success - and frankly, what you've described is a good indicator of how poisonous they can make a classroom environment.

    But I wonder if this is about your daughter's teacher - or the school, the school district and the superintendent.  I've heard a lot of talk in our state (Maryland) about the impact of standardized tests and how they're damaging our kids' ability to learn - surely not their intent!

    Perhaps you can start with talking to the teacher - but I suspect you'll find that this is a subject for the PTA.  And honestly, perhaps it's even bigger than that.

  3. our kids have west test next week, it  sounds about like the same thing they do to our kids, it makes me mad. why let one test determine what finding they get and put so much pressure  on our kids for it, why not just teach them what they are supposed to all year and base finding on their grades and improvements. they start asking what my daughter had for breakfast, and im not going to be a happy camper (she eats breakfast at school anyway) and id say they will hear from me.

    if they wouldnt stress these kids so much  their grades on these tests would be better.  they even sent papers home from school saying, eat a good breakfast, read your kid a bedtime story, kiss and cuddle and  hug your kid  when they leave for school ( we dont do this anyway???) let them wear a favorite outfit, wear layers for comfort. just all sorts of c**p that they should be worried about all year not just when it comes time  to determine their funding. if they put as much emphasis  on their work all year long they wouldnt have to panic when it comes time for this.

    my daughter has been worried sick over this "test" for 2 weeks now, i think its ridiculous.

    (my daughter is also an A student)  3rd grade as well.

  4. End of the year or not, if an "alleged" teacher pressured my child to the point of being physically/emotionally distraught I would not only be CONFRONTATIONAL with this person I would furthermore have a lengthy discussion with the schools' principal. This is inexcusable! This is the US of A, Not some backwards 3rd world country. Our taxes pay these educators and they work for US, Not vice - versa. God Bless and Best of Luck !

  5. thesee tests are critical so i would have you write a letter and not say wether  daughter its a she or a he and not say whow its from be ver genral but get straight to the point and say ease up in some way cause its not reasonable to go into that much detail by the way if grades are listed  in the newspaper say you dont want your kids identified with grades publicy

  6. yes she is over the top she cant dictate what kids eat for breakfast and i dont think she should have said the scores would be posted

  7. i hear ya! i think that the teachers of our washington state schools should take the tests themselves and see how they do! the wasl tests are not supposed to give them teachers ammo to use against your kids to make them feel stupid! thats what my oldest daughter went through, she has adhd and is dyslexic and they would not even give her a break! they just went on to tell her that she was holding back the class because she was not as smart! they told me that they could not hold her back or pass her and gave up on her! so i have to home school her! they make to much out of the wasl testing! and i don't think it matters what children have for breakfast, i think they would do fine if the teachers wouldnt make such a big deal out of it!

  8. If you feel so strongly about it discuss it. I don't think it will do you any good in my honest opinion but you will feel somewhat better that you said something. Don't want her to walk all over you and your daughter. Sorry she has such a tough teacher but it probably won't change her ways if you do tell her.

  9. This sort of nonsense is going on everywhere.Thank the ridiculous "No Child Left Behind Act.". Nothing will change until parents demand it AS A GROUP!. We are raising a whole generation of kids who are learning to hate school and not learning to think or be creative-they just know how to answer like robots. Find other parents who are upset and start complaining loudly to everyone from the principal to the governor. I'd say the President but he caused this mess in the first place. In the meantime, keep reassuring your daughter that you love her no matter what the teacher says or does, that individual children's scores are not published, and that all you want is for her to do her best and enjoy learning. Then keep her home on test days and encourage other parents to do the same. Think of it as a Civil Rights movement for kids..

  10. well it's true that it's a little late to be complaining. but if you complain now, at least next year's kids won't be harrassed. i would do it. also check to see if other parents feel the same way

  11. yes I would those tests don't mean anything for a grade just tests how good the schools are

  12. I would take it with a grain of salt. Your daughter is definitely stressed, so is it possible that in her state of mind she is slightly distorting the teacher's words? Teachers do put a lot of pressure on children to do well on standardized tests, because the teachers know that the tests aren't an accurate indicator of how well a student is doing. Teachers hate those tests. They put pressure on the students because they know how hard it is to do well on the tests and show how great they really are.

    It sounds like you really like the teacher and if you don't address this point it could taint your relationship with her. I think you should talk to her, but take a breath and don't approach it in an antagonistic way. I don't think the teacher realizes how stressed your daughter is. Tell her. That's all she needs and I'm sure things will get better.

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