
Should I ditch him?

by  |  earlier

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Hey guys.

So, I'm having some trouble with my boyfriend.

We've been going out about 2 months now, and he is starting to drive me crazy.

He's asked me out on a date once.

Only once. All the other times, it's been me asking him to go out, or come over, go for a walk, whatever.

He never calls me, I mean NEVER.

The only time he called was to say he was going to be late for a date. (which ins't a surprise, he's always late)

He's getting on my last nerve.

I've tried to talk to him about this in the past, but he hasn't changed or even considered how I feel.

Is it time to move on?

We're both 16 by the way.




  1. i would dump seems to me that he just isnt really commited to the relationship...i wouldnt waste my time with someone that was goin to be like that...

    so yea its time to move on

  2. Dump 'em

  3. Chuck him!! Get rid of him!

  4. Yes, It sounds like he doesn't care about your relationship very much. There are many better guys out there who will treat you way better.

  5. dump him.

  6. YES!!! Its not worth it and you could totally find someone who really cared about you.

  7. If you are not happy, then ya move on.  But I'll tell ya, my boyfriend never called, and I mean NEVER.  He rarely took me on real dates, we mostly hung out at each others houses and watched movies and stuff.... Well, here we are 7 years later married with a beautiful baby girl :)  So, if he's a nice guy, just give him a chance, maybe he doesn't have much experience (my hubby sure didn't, lol)

  8. tell him byebye :)

  9. Girl there are plenty fish in the sea.! I think you should move on, be single or be with someone that will treat you like a queen:) I hope everything works out for you.
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