
Should I eat????????

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I'm a 15 year old girl. I exercise for an hour or two (usually about an hour and twenty minutes or so) every day... 30 minutes in the morning, 55 minutes after school, and if I have time, another 30 or so minutes in the evening. Anyway, I've had my 2000 calories today, but I find that I'm getting a bit of a hunger craving about now, its 8:30 at night. Should I eat something, or wait till morning?




  1. Eat

    Its not till 9 that its bad ;D

    and trying to sleep with an empty stomach is NOT fun.

  2. It would be a good idea to stop eating foods at 7, 7:30.

  3. If you feel hungry, your body is telling you it needs something, so you should eat.  You seem to exercise frequently, and I am guessing at 15 you probably don't weigh that much.

    Usually you shouldn't eat right before bed unless you are trying to gain weight, but you shouldn't go to bed hungry either.  Try eating something light to curb your appetite, something healthy like a granola bar.

    You could eat more than 2000 calories, and probably should if you consistently feel hungry later in the day.  The more frequent you exercise, the more you burn those calories to produce energy, and the more often you will feel hungry.

  4. Feel free to eat something.  Don't listen to people who keep re-telling the myth, "it's bad to eat after 7:30 p.m.", or "eating before bed makes you fat".

    Just make sure that whatever you eat is light on carbohydrates, that is the only recommendation for eating during nighttime that isn't just an old wive's tale.

    Some suggestions are yogurt, peanut butter, or a small serving of lean chicken.

    Best of luck!

  5. you should eat regular meals at regular times everyday.if you can't stop you need to tell an adult that you trust like your mom or dad. and get some help.

  6. Thats rather late at night to be eating and could upset your sleep. If you are staying up for another 2 hours then I would have some toast and a glass of milk.  

  7. eat something not sugary and have some milk... milk (cold or warm) helps you to fall asleep. I get hunger cravings too and i just satisfy them :)

  8. If you've got a hunger pang now, at around 8:30pm, you should have something, but just a snack.  Make sure it's got protein and fiber; protein to help keep your muscles happy, and fiber to help you "feel full".  A piece of toast with some peanut butter (or cheese) or a little yoghurt and granola would help fill you up without making you feel bloated.
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