
Should I employ women ?

by  |  earlier

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For years my laudenum and opium importation business, has been steadily improving.... but recently it has come to my attention that young women have been applying for positions under me. Has commerce seen fit to alter centuries of male domination to allow the fairer s*x into its hallowed halls ?




  1. ha ha, silly question Opium boy! I think the only person besides me that read your first sentence efficiciently was the answerer above me. LOL!

  2. hmmm well. considering it is against the law to discriminate, yeah, how about you hire women.

    plus, women are smarter anyway...

  3. My dear man, it appears that we live in an age of sexual equality, which means young girls have the same rights to drink pints, get drunk, regurgitate their Big Macs in the street, display their posteriors in public, and copulate casually with passing strangers.  If this is the kind of equality they seek, then they should be allowed equal opportunity to work themselves to death down a coal mine or harvesting your opium fields by hand.  If it's good enough for your immigrant workers it's good enough for those with X chromosomes.  Think of the advantages!  Wait till one of them has PMT and then send her round to one of your non-paying customers. Hormonally enraged bailiffs would have them handing over wads of cash in no time.

  4. Cleopatra was queen of Egypt.

    Black women fought and gained their rights decades into the birth of the nation of the United States.

    Countries are headed by female presidents around the world. The world superpower that is America is on the verge of electing a woman president.

    I think it's about time you wake up and smell the equality.

  5. You already know that you should employ women. That's an obvious question.

    I'm only answering because I want to know more about this "laudenum and opium importation business". Seriously?? I'm guessing that's a joke (though not a bad one) because if you really ran such a business, you would probably know how to spell "laudanum."

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