
Should I fast during school days?

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Because, my Dad says he doesn't want me to fast because it'll take away from my concentration..but my religion is very important to me, even though my immediate family does not fast..

Do i obey my Dad or Allah?

I believe it's Allah because without him my Dad woudn't even be here?

Am i right?




  1. You should fast, your dad chose not to so thats his problem, allah said not to obey our parents if they tell us to do something wrong , so fast and may allah forgive your father, and by the way, fasting gets rid of the poisons in your body.

  2. you should fast. your dad is wrong, and you want to make things right for yourself. i will fast during school too.

  3. You should always obey your parents unless they are in the wrong, and this is one of the cases, unless you have health issues or are menstruating you should fast.

    Try not to run around too much and your concentration wont go down too much as you wont be thirsty/hungry.

  4. Well, fasting during school is really easy, cuz your busy with all the school work so you don't have time to think about your stomach. That's how it feels for me. The time passes, and then when you get home, it passes with homework. This is what I tell my parents, and then they let me fast during school. How old are you? Once your a certain age you HAVE to start fasting.

  5. There's only one time when you are allowed to disobey your parents; When your parent(s) is against any of the commandments of Allah.

    Also when you become mature, fasting is COMPULSORY (FARDH) on you when you are healthy. Don't worry fast during school nothing really happens. Actually, fasting is really healthy. It gets rid of all the undesirbale fats and wastes in our bodies. In addition, it is a time to increase our iman, thus, change ourselves for good. Ramadan was made for change. The Sahabas would prepare themselves 6 months before Ramadan even hit. This time of the year is very blessed and very short lasting. So, please take maximum benefit because each reward is multiplied during this blessed time.

    On the other hand, try making effort on your family. It will take some time but it's truly worth it. Just keep on making duaa for them. Allah tells us to make duaa for others and ourselves. Ask Allah, don't be shy:P. I'l make duaa too insha Allah.

    Remember one thing though, obeying your parents is like obeying Allah (If it doesn't go against Allah).

    May Allah give us the strength to act upon his commandments shwon to us through the Sunnah of our Rasoolullah (SAW) during the blessed month of Ramadan...Ameen

  6. Fasting is really hard for me. And it gets harder during school days. If you have faith you can make it through your day. Trust me. It's not that hard, time goes by in a snap. All you have to do is not think about it!

    And you're right. Respect your parents wishes, always, but Allah first.

    How could your dad NOT want you to be religious? Some parents would love for there kids to be like that.  

  7. same thing with mine but i feel i should fast so i am anyways

  8. Assalamu Alaikum, My dear Muslimah

    Fasting is obligatory on you if you are 14 years old Muslim female..  You must obey your parents in all matters except when they say not to worship Allah or to perform any obligatory fasting, paying Zakat or performing Haj.  Following all five pillars of Islam is your responsibility and not even parens can stop you.

    You must love Allah more than your parents. Your Dad is not above God. In matter of religion you are allowed to disobey your father, and do what you are supposed to do as a Muslim.

    More you are bold in performing your duties to Allah, more Allah will be pleased with you and will reward you heaven in next life.

    May Allah strengthen your Eiman and keep you on right path of Islam.

  9. u r right, i fast during school it is really easy. Ramadan mubarak, and god bless u


  10. You are absolutely right... u should fast! It's mandatory in Islam.

  11. yea you should fast. its really easy during the school day

    because your attention is not toward eating and surprisingly your concentration increases (that's what my teachers told my parents!) More than that, people will respect you more.

    Also you shouldn't let anyone stand in your way of doing the right

    thing, even if it is someone as close to you as your Dad. Just tell him nicely. Just think of this as just another test in life.

    Ramadan Mubarak and Good luck!

  12. yea go for it. i used to, and i even did better in school. god blesses you when you do as he said.

    and if ur underage, you can start fasting like half of the day you know for practice...

  13. Yes u should fast

    We must obay Allah first Before  obeying any humanbeings, even if the person our father

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