
Should I get a second Ferret?

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I have a 22 week old male kit that was given to me about a week ago. So far I only have about 3-4 hours a day to spend with him (weekends I am home all day though). He does have his own room (ferret proof), a spare bedroom I fixed up for him with many toys I've purchased the last few days. But I am nervous about letting him play in there alone or getting overly lonely in such a large room by himself. I don't want to keep him locked up in a cage all day until I get home. Would it be wise to get another ferret he can hang out with and just turn that room into one big play/feeding/potty place for two with an open cage they can climb into when needed? Are two any more difficult to take care of? I hear that they love going outdoors (on a harness), how easy is that to do with two? Or would me only spending 4 hours a day with them just going to make two lonely ferrets? How do working ferret owners do it? I'm used to cats, first time ferret owner.




  1. My god we had 1 ferret and we had to get rid becouse they grow into the worlds most smelly animals when they wee it stinks the place out times that by 2 and your house will hummm


    This might help.

  3. Alot of people have two so that the other has a playmate, they do love it outdoors I used to have one and take it everywhere with me in the summer.  I think you should definately get another one it would do more good than harm.  If you give them a potty box or something put it in a corner mine used to love pooping in the corner, weird!

  4. Yes, he would love a new friend!!  I've had as many as 15 at one time and they all curl up together in a huge pile. My ferrets are free roamers, my entire home has been ferret-proofed.  I don't think you will notice too much more work with one more, maybe a little more poo in the box =)

    The one thing to keep in mind is when ferrets age they all generally get some type of illness.  As long as you can afford the vet care that comes with a new addition, I would encourage you to get a friend for your ferret.  

    One poster commented on they like groups of 10, this is not true, 2 ferrets can live very happily together.  Just be prepared for the older ferret to drag the new one around by its scruff of it's neck.  This is normal pecking order being established and as long as there is no scared poops and no blood just let them work it out.  Before long they will be curled up together sleeping and playing happily together.

    Best wishes!!!

  5. A partner (assuming they get along great) will distract your ferret and give it something to do. It just depends on how much time you usually spend with your pets and the sort of relationship you have with them.

  6. ferrets like to be together in groups of about 10 or more, that's  what you need

  7. I think one ferret is enough. They can be a handle but I suppose it's what you feel.

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