
Should I get help for depression?

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I'm a teenage mom of a 9 month told baby girl. Who I love dearly. But here lately I have been over stressed with her, it's like I can't stand to be around her right now, just because shes so everywhere(I know its bad to say) I'm just so stressed, going to school, and about to get a job, I feel like I will never see her. She stays with her grandma(my Mother In Law), when I have school, and me and her dad are still together. But he works all day and when he gets home is tired. I know I have been "depressed" for a long time. I was depressed before me and my fiance got together, before we had the baby, which was 2 years ago. My ex treated me badly. And then when I was pregnant I gained over 70 lbs. That didn't help at ALL! I got stretch marks every where, and totally transformed. I don't hate my daughter for that at all, I love her. But it's depressing to see all these girls my age still look so good. I pretty much lost all of my friends, like literally. I'm just so tired, overwhelmed, stressed out, and can't take it.

I hate that I feel as though I'm putting my child through this with me, and that her grandmother has to keep her throughout the week(she lives with me though).

I think I need help. I need someone to talk too, besides my fiance. But not a councilor. My mom is on depression medicine, and I don't want her knowing, because I can't stand for her or anyone to think somethings wrong with me. But it's causing me not to be able to sleep, think or function right.




  1. Wish I can give you a big hug now. Yes, you should get help for depression. Depression is like any illness (a flu or a fever), it is not something to be ashame of. I went through a phase of my life when I could not sleep and function, I went to see a doctor who prescribe me some anti-depressants. I took the medicine and it allowed me some peace to sort out my problems. I was off the medicine quickly and got on with my life. You will be in my prayers. Take care.

  2. I think with your situation, you should seek help.

    You're right about not going to the counselor.

    You can find a Psychologist, or even a Psychiatrist.

    Both doctors can help you cope with this depression and stress you're dealing with.  

  3. sweetie first of all yes you need help you need to talk to your doctor  right now  so he can  started  you on medication. i can talk about that because i use to be in a black hole and never thought i would get out of it. and believe me when i say you never want to go there. if it wasn't for the medicine i'm not sure what would of happen to me. your doctor will help you or send you to one that can. does your fiance support you and help with the baby. how much does he know about whats going on with you. i sure hope you talk to him even if he's tired you should sit time aside so you two can talk. i also sent this to my daughter she was a very young mother and also went to school and finished.    

    she also finished medical school i also watched my granddaughter too. and for friend's she also lost all of them but a see they weren't friend's to begin with anyway.  i'm so proud of my daughter just like your parent's will be. and i know with the right help you will be just fine and go on to be just like her and make it. if you ever need to talk i'm here for you.

    best of luck for you and your baby

  4. leave the ex-s***w him- he's not worth it---be the best for your daughter-- and itd be best to get help--like a therapist or someone

  5. something is wrong with you and your making up reasons not to get help.  

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