
Should I get this checked out?

by Guest34200  |  earlier

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Alright well, last night I was headbanging to a song, shaking my head side to side fast, and up and down. About 5 min. after I was done, my head felt as if it was too heavy for my neck to support it. Today, my neck strains to keep my head up straight, and gives me a sharp pain when i move my head. Should I get this checked or wait it out and take some pain medication?




  1. Although it is possible that you caused an injury requiring medical treatment - without further symptoms, my advice is to wait it out a couple days.

    Most likely you strained/pulled/tweaked some neck muscles which you normally don't use.  Kind of like sleeping in a bad position and you have a 'kinked' neck or shoulder which may be accompanied by a headache for a few days?  

    Head bang until your 90!  But not so hard :)

    Good luck, feel better soon!

    I also recommend taking ibuprofin (motrin) or naproxyn (aleve) instead of 'pain' medication.  While both help with pain, they mainly work as an anti-inflammatory, reducing swelling and tension on over worked muscles.

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