
Should I give her flowers?

by  |  earlier

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I have been hanging out with this girl from my work, but she has a bf. We laugh a lot and have lots of fun together. We also flirt a little bit here and there too. Would it be wrong to get her a few roses just as a nice gesture?




  1. for the love for god please don't

  2. Don't give her flowers, could cause problems. Do this. Buy some chewing gum. Offer her a stick of gum.  

  3. giver her: chrysanthemums, poppys, lilacs, daffodils, daisys, foxglove, violets or petunuias.

    but if she has a boyfriend dont give her roses thats way to straight forward.

  4. Her boyfriend would definitely not appreciate that.

  5. That could start trouble man.

  6. you cant be giving flowers to a taken girl. she'll think youre creepy, and everyone at work will think youre psycho.

  7. i don't think you should'nt get her flowers' since she has a bf' it would probably cause trouble for her.

  8. It wouldn't be a nice gesture, it would be making a play for her. Disrespectful, don't do it.

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