
Should I give homosexuality a try?

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I was thinking of being g*y for a few months. Any tips or advice on this?




  1. You can't just "choose" to be g*y for a few months, you're born g*y! It's not a choice!!! And if you do "choose" to be g*y, then you're not really g*y!!

  2. Go for it buddy!

  3. You can't really 'be g*y' for a few months. It's not something you choose

    But if you want to sleep with the same s*x, go for it

  4. Sure. KY is your friend.

  5. Lots of people say that they aren't g*y. Yet if you ask them if they have ever tried to do anything with another male/female, they most likely reply with a "h**l no".

    I believe in the phrase "You never know unless you try"

    So go for it, if you are g*y, join the parade.

    If you aren't, you would now know for sure that you aren't g*y.

  6. keep thinking, its obvious you are playing with the idea and not serious, its a lifestyle not a choice

  7. Do it! Just act like it. Touch some guys ***. Make out with a total stranger. Get laid, then waddle around the next day because you got *** raped. It sounds funny. Go ahead and try it. And that way when someone asks if your g*y and you say no but they don't believe you, you have proof you don't like guys.

  8. I think you should tell that to whoever you are going to be '' g*y'' with

    so that you don't lead them on. Tell them you are just giving it a try for a few months, be honest.

  9. well,you should is kinda funny,hahaha,you should ALWAYS use a condom...i mean,if having s*x with girls is riskful,imagine having bareback s*x with a g*y guy...specially if you're the bottom...if you are,use lube,and be easy the first time you get it from behind...

  10. Homosexuality isn't a choice, it's who you are. You can't just suddenly choose to be g*y for a few months. If you are sexually attracted to people of the same s*x as well as the opposite s*x, though, you might possibly be bisexual. However, you don't just choose to be straight one day and g*y the next.

  11. This reminds me of the time I bought tickets to Blew Man Group and found out later it was all about percussion.

    Dude, you either are or you're not g*y. You can't just try it on.

    Well, I suppose you could. Who knows, maybe the right guy will change you. Being g*y could rub off on you.

  12. I think at best you can enjoy sexual feelings with the same gender, but being g*y is a whole lifestyle its a persons orientation it is simply there being goes beyond s*x, its the essence of who they are there blue print. Ive had nice sexual experiences with my own gender, but I'm not g*y cause deep inside i love women and transsexuals beyond s*x and with it also. So we get what nature gives us i believe its not a choice. Is it you had a bad experience with a lady? We lives really tough in that department for g*y folk to. So just be who you are at best you can give it a go, but be careful you don't hurt a guy that really falls for you, it may kill him inside if you go back to straight life.

  13. condoms are your friend.

  14. im sick of people saying its who you are this and you cant try it that if you would like to have fun with some c***s for a few month go for it dont hold back you only live once  

  15. play safe.  

  16. If you don't "know" i's right for you, don't do it. It's like a tattoo, kinda permanant marking.

    I did it once but I knew I wanted to and havent regretted it, but I know a couple of people who have.

  17. yes . then we can go out . :D jokes .  

  18. your free to do whatever you want

  19. Sure...and why your at it, why not Cure world Hunger or find a cure for AIDS...That seems just as logical.

  20. being g*y is not like learning tennis you can't just try it on for size you either are or not. This is not a decision it is who you are, and I really don't think you are. Are you trying to be trendy? Buy a pair of shoes

  21. your not really g*y if you say you want to go g*y for a few months. homosexuality is not a choice it is a state of mind, most people are born g*y.

    but it is perfectly fine if you have homoerotic tendencies i wouldnt say no to "going g*y" for a few months.  

  22. Give it a go. I would suggest that you be the "Butch" or dominant one. It will be more like what you are used to and you won't have a sore bottom.

  23. If I were you I would check the Do I wanna be g*y brochure before you do that....all the kids will eat it up, if its packaged properly. What the h**l kind of question is this,lol!

  24. Only if you are comfortable with it. Then it's fine do what you want to do but don't upset anybody who is really g*y.

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