
Should I give my dad money?

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Last summer my dad talked about my son coming to CA from TX to visit this summer. I sent an email saying that would be great and how much does he think the plane tickets would be and he said not to worry about it. Well he is in CA now and he has taken him to see so many things, baseball game, boat ride golden gate bridge, alcatraz, and now they are staying at a hotel and going to disneyland for two days. He left on Tuesday and will be coming home on Tuesday. Should I give him money for this. He's not poor or anything, I'm just talking about etiquette..or will a thank you card be appropriate enough?




  1. Since this is about your own Dad. You should not offer him money but say 'Thanks' and make sure you do something for him very special. So that he feels same way of 'Thanks' feeling for you.

    Very often people takes things as granted among in the family but a exchange of love with lot of value in it is the most important.

  2. thanks is plenty he did it for the child not you

  3. I would think a thank you would be plenty. He wanted to make your son happy and he chose how to do it. It probably made him happy just doing that, no need for repayment.

  4. A card and a sweet gift from the child would be more appopriate. Sending your dad money may be insulting more than anything.

  5. Since you have made the gesture once, you are off the hook.  There is no need to bring it up again.  Send him a nice card.  Maybe include a gift certificate to his favorite store or restaurant.  It has been HIS pleasure to have his grandson to share these things.

  6. You are talking about Grandpa, right?  No. Dont send money to him for taking his grand child on outings. I am sure he enjoyed it and wanted to do it or wouldnt have planned all the events. Have your son write your dad a letter and/or card and send that from him personally. My husband and I hate it when our kids ask us what they "owe" us for letting our grand kids stay with us or taking them out to eat, etc.  We do it because we love them -- love to experience things with them -- and love to be around them. Dont insult your dad. Be sure to keep him informed on his grandson's and your life and follow up with all the "details" your son will catch you up on when he returns home. Your dad will be pleased to hear that his grandson enjoyed time with grandpa. thats thanks enough.

  7. No money. His pleasure to do this.

  8. return the favour and invite him to holiday with you and your son. don't need to cost too much as he can stay with you and 1 extra person is barely noticeable on the food bill.

  9. Your Dad would not do something like that unless it was in his budget.  It is an honor to spend time with a grandchild and be able to show him sites and attractions in the area.  If you and your father had already discussed money (plane ticket, etc) don't worry about it.  He was not obligated to spend such money, but he most be honored to do so.

  10. This is your dad's grandson, he wants to do this for his grandson because he loves him and doesn't get to see him often, so don't offer your dad any money but instead do something nice for him... If you are good at craftwork of any kind.. or your husband...  maybe you could make him a gift... and if not.. invite your dad for a meal to your house unless you live a long way apart..  then do the same for your dad when he comes visiting you.. take him out.. show him how much he is appreciated.. believe me.. to be loved by his family is the greatest gift your dad would like to receive... rather than any money in the world ! Your parents or your dad will get older.. so let him enjoy the time with his grandson now..  one day you can pay him back... by being there for him if he needs help when he gets older and can't get around as much as he would like you.. then you could visit and take him for a drive.. and just reciprocate what he does now.. he loves all of you and he doesn't take you for granted.. don't take your dad for granted.. but let him do this for your son it gives him pleasure and makes him feel wanted and appreciated.. he does this because he really wants to be in touch with his grandson.. so when your dad gets older.. just be there for him and in the meantime.. nothing is wrong with saying ''I love you dad''.. I love you mom if you still have a mom because they won't be around forever and it's too late then..  therefore accept this what he does... he does it from his heart.. he wants to... xxxx

  11. I believe a thank you from you and even a home made card made by your son maybe with his own drawings of what they did and a big thank you from him in the card would be about all that would need to be said and  done. After your son comes home and tells the stories of his adventures to you, you can tell your father about how much he is reliving and enjoying the memories they made and that will make your father feel as though something  big was accomplished.

  12. Your father is doing what he wants with his own money - and sounds like he is having a great time with his grandson.

    The Thank You note should come from your son - not you.

    If anything, you could send your father a framed picture snapped during their vacation.

  13. a thankyou card with a thoughtful gift from you and your son,  Grandparents love to do this stuff.  They were so busy raising their children and building a future they didn't get to play.  With grandkids they get to have fun.  This is a good time to start teaching your son about gratitude.  Have him write his grandpa a little note about how much fun he had.  Your dad will treasure that more than any amount of money

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