
Should I go blonde? Urgent :|!?

by  |  earlier

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Ok so basically, about a year ago I wanted to go blonde, but the hairdresser told me my hair isn't up for it (bearing in mind I have medium-brown hair naturally, and I'd dyed it red just the week before I had the strand test, I also hadn't washed it the night before so it was kinda greasy and lank) so I've been growing out my dye to go blonde in time for starting college this Septemeber because I really want a change from brown and red.

While I've been growing the red out, I've been using straighteners, but never without heat protection spray, and I've been using repair and protect shampoo and conditioner. Will this have improved the quality of my hair so I have more chance of going blonde?

Also, I've had my hair trimmed multiple times between last year and now.

So really I'm wondering, because I've looked after my hair so much, do you think this will allow me to bleach my hair? I'm getting it done at a salon, I'm not using a home-kit because I wanna make sure its done right. When I was younger before I started dying my hair red, I used to have golden blonde chunks in my hair but those days are long gone.

If you think I should try it, what kind of blonde? My friends reckon I'll look good witha really light shade, but when I told my mum she said I wouldn't suit it because I'm pale and have dark eyebrows.

Help is muchly appreciated, I'm going for another trim this evening so I could have a talk with my hairdresser then.

Just so you know, this is me (my hair is naturally curly);***e/lucy.jpg

And this is the kind of shade I really want to go;




  1. I've been dying my hair with bleach since I was 14, im now 21! My hair is in really bad condition now and it used to be really good! I cant go anywhere without straightening it, even if i just want to put it up in a ponytail because it's so frizzy! (Result from bleach and straighteners, bad combination!)

    I used to just have hi-lights but recently I decided to go all over blonde because it was easier and quicker (Big Mistake) im really pale too and i just looked so stupid, people even called me the snow queen!!lol

    Also when you dye your hair blonde all over with bleach you sometimes get yellow patches which looks so cheap and nasty, you can use a toner to get them out but it doesnt always work plus you need it re-done every 3 or 4 weeks because roots look so tacky as well!

    Id advise you not to have it done especially if your hair isn't in that good a condition because it'll only make it worse. If you're dead set on being blonde why not have hi-lights? You can have a full head and that will more or less turn you blonde anyway and wont look so bad with roots! Only thing is going blonde is very expensive averages around £50 in salons for full head! I get a hairdresser to come to my house, much cheaper!! Anyway good luck hope it turns out ok and ur happy with it!

  2. I definitely think you will suit a nice cool blonde, you'll probably just have to get a really strong bleach applied all over your hair then the hairdresser will put a toner on it, like a beige blonde or ashy blonde, which wont make it look so brassy bleach. One important thing to keep in mind is since you've got pretty dark hair going to blonde, your hair will get brassy/yellowish from time to time, so you should buy a silver shampoo, called 'SP' think you can only get it in salons, it keeps the brassiness away. Also you will have to be getting root touch ups at least every 6 weeks. I have cool blonde hair and I'm starting to find it such a pain to keep, so next time I go to the hairdressers I'm going to start getting different colours of highlights put through it to gradually make it not so blonde. But good luck, it'll be a nice change!

  3. PLATiMUM blond would fit you'll fit you !

  4. i think your hair would look cool blond but looking at the colour now there is a very high chance that it will go ginger. So if you think its worth risking go for it- i suppose you could always dye it back brown or red if it does go ginger though

    like that red dress youve got on  

  5. I think that that color will look AMAZING on you and dont worry about what other people say go to the hair dresser and also talk about your situation maybe they can give you suggestions to strengthen your hair as much as possible so your hair wont break off.

  6. OK....bleaching your hair out like that will cause a significant amount of damage.  because you are having to lift your hair 7 levels (just meaning going from a dark brown (level 3) to a solid white blond (level 1).  You know this and your hair dresser has warned you of this so I won't go any further on it....

    Your hair dresser should be able to bleach your hair and offer products to help.  I would let your hair dresser cut off dead ends.  Now I would just take extremely good care of your hair afterward.  You would need to use a reconstructor, try Joico Hair Reconstructor and use a deep penetrating shampoo and conditioner, try Joico Moisture or Sebastian Penetrait.  

  7. o my god no  

  8. Nah. It wouldnt suit you.

    It annoys me when people who arent naturally blonde want to go blonde.

    If you're brunette, go darker, if you're blonde go lighter, but never change your hair color totall, it looks disgusting

  9. just do it my hairdresser told me ages ago that if i dyed my hair one more time it would fall out and its still there so just go right ahead they cant stop you youd just need ti really look after it after bleaching it trust me ive had years of it :)

  10. If you want to, then yes, Its your hair, not mine.

  11. holy jebus.

    I think that blond would look so cute on you.

    Just make sure you have healthy hair first,. And if you keep bleaching it, don't over due it or else it might fall out.

    Good luck though. :]

  12. I think it would look good on you,best try when your hair has fully recovered

  13. That would look so good on you and I love that colour!

    Literally beg your hairdresser tonight lol

    If he/she says no, then do it anyway haha

    Or get a wig :)

    plz help with mine? thanks!

  14. yes i have found a style which i think would also work, the girl has dark eyebrows

  15. You want an honest answer.

    I feel for you but seeing as your hair is naturally curly & far from blonde, you hair will literally fall off. Believe me, bleached hair does not come out from the root it snaps off. My hair is naturally straight so that is without using straighteners. Heat protections stuff is good, but it will not cure the problem.

    But, I can totally understand you wanting to go bleach blonde. Why not go for it? If your hair reacts terribly, die it a chocolate colour (so much kinder to your hair).

    Hope you are not disappointed!

    Have fun.  

  16. I actually think i would look dead nice =]

    honestly, i really love that colour blonde + i think you would suit it.

    SO DEFFO !! :) x*x

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