
Should I go out for volleyball?

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I kinda stunk last year at volleyball, but I somewhat still what to try out for it. Should I?




  1. YAH!!! go for it! give it all you got. you never know! maybe you'll have a ggreat try out, impress the coach and make the team! you never know til you try! right? good luck!

  2. when are your tryouts? u can tryout if u want...just do some camps and buy a vb...then go outside and practice practice practice. practice overhand serving, passing and setting. u can ask ur parents to help u. tell them to throw the ball to u and u pass it back. this sounds easy..but the main thing in vb is the aiming. then tell them to throw it where u have to run and get it.

  3. Why not? If you enjoy it, you should go out there and do your absolute best! And listen to your coaches...they want you to do your best 24/7! Good luck! =]

  4. you should deffinitely try out! just work your hardest and show you want to learn. be coachable, enthusiastic, a good team player and never give up. always try your best. if you believe in yourslef, you will succeed, trust me! when serving take your time. when passing, be square to your target, when setting, set very high, when hitting, make contact at your highest point.

    good luck

    hope this helps

  5. never give up, never surrender - tim allen

  6. yeah try out you`ll make it, don`t worry hun

  7. yea what do you have to lose? Just try out and enjoy yourself

  8. Yes!  You most definitely should go out for Volleyball.  What have you got to lose?  Go for it, Tiger!

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