
Should I go?? :/?

by  |  earlier

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My friend wants to go to a party but I haven't seen like any of the girls in so long and we used to be really good friends but I feel like it's gonna be so awkward because I'm really insecure.

Obviously there'll be drinking which can loosen me up but I feel like then I'll just get wasted and look like a fool.

Best advice?? NOT about drinking please, it'd be just worse if I was to be sober.




  1. So how did it go?

    Was it as bad as you imagined or did you realize there are people out there that actually like you?

  2. Everyone feels awkward around people they have not seen in awhile.  People are way too self centered: they are unlikely to sit and think or talk about you.  Have fun and find things of common interest to talk to people about.  Please do not get drunk: nothing good happens after too much drinking.  Best wishes.

  3. What's the big deal ... go . Enjoy yourself ...

  4. i say go.

    you'll be around people you know at least. and it's easy to get back into the swing of things with people you were close with before, because you already know them. so it's not like you're trying to get to know complete strangers in a weird situation.

    also, limit your drinks, that way you don't get too trashed. it'll be fine.

    almost anything is better than sitting home alone, and lonely on a friday night. =]

    go have a good time.
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