
Should I go to graduate school...?

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0 LIKES UnLike be a teacher? You need to have a Masters in order to teach public school in Massachusetts. But do I want to take on like 30K more in loans? Is it worth it? Oh and I want to teach Art. This is totally what I want to do, but the debt issue looms over my head. Right now I have about 20K from undergrad. Help!




  1. Hey,

    If this is "totally what [you] want to do", then you already answered your own question. Knowing what you wish to do as a career is great, and actually being able to obtain the said career choice is basically fulfilling your ambitions. Within the past three years, the value of a Bachelor's Degree has slowly but steadily decreased in value. Many private and public agencies and organizations are seeking applicants who have advanced, professional and terminal degrees. You'll be able to obtain positions others with Bachelor's Degrees can not.

    In regards to loans, mostly everyone starts life in debt. A Master's Degree will cost a pretty penny, but it allows you to get a boost in yearly pay. Graduate school is much more rigorous then undergraduate as the coursework is tough. I'm not too sure about Art though. Good luck with whatever your decision is!!

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