
Should I graduate early? ?

by Guest63849  |  earlier

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I am entering the 9th grade in 2 days, and recently went to a school orientation where they said stuff about a 3 year option. My mom said I could do it, and I'd say I'm a pretty good student, never had a C on a report card in my life, and already completed 2 credits for high school in 8th grade. I plan to become a marine biologist, but not 100% sure. I don't mind not going to prom or graduating with the caps and gowns and all, my dad didn't even go to his prom so I guess I got that from him ;D.

Pros/ Cons?

What should I do?


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I dont want to grow up...I want to have a LIFE. I want to have an extra year of money, time with my family before they pass, etc etc. School takes up too much time.




  1. u asked this already and NO!

  2. absolutely not...take your time and dont grow up too fast, its not worth missing a year of fun in HS or college to rush growing up

  3. i think you should stay all four years and enjoy the time with your friends that you started high school with and your family besides graduateing early might not be all its cracked up to be

  4. I guess I have/had a similar attitude - I'm 25 now, and I've completely moved on from high school in every way.  I haven't stayed in touch with my friends, and I don't plan on going to the reunion.  I ended up going to a large public university, and I didn't go to my own college graduation.  I'm just not sentimental about that stuff.  So I can tell you that I would NOT have regretted graduating early.

    This is really something that you're going to have to ask yourself.  Will you regret missing out on your senior year?  Do you think you'll be ready for college at 17?  I don't see any problem with your plan, if it seems right to you.  Good luck, whatever you decide!

  5. No senior year is the greatest year of school, it makes it all worth while. Go back for senior year, its sooo fun.

  6. Sure! That's what I'm going to try and do. You can't grow up any faster if you go to college early. You have more time to get a better education, but keep in mind that you're only a freshman and you may not know for sure what you want to be. There may be some classes you would like to take before going to college.

    If you need any more info, e-mail me at

  7. well good that your getting ahead start with those 2 credits and that your a good student but its all about if you can do it or not. you gotta be SURE you can do it. but you know senior year is the most fun, prom and dances. like you can relax during that year. but if you do, do the early graduation thing. thats going to help you A LOT!

    you can either start college early, and get ahead start in that. or spend an extra year with your family, maybe earn some cash.

    so if your sure that you can pass and not only pass but do REALLY GOOD! then i say go for it, you dont really have anything to lose.

    good luck!!!

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