
Should I have my cartilage pierced?

by  |  earlier

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My friend and I are going to get our ears pierced today, she's having her tragus pierced and i'm having my cartilage/helix. I really like the look of it but i'm not good with pain and am scared to have it done.

can i just get some peoples opinion who have had it done and what they thought of the pain and whether they like it and most of all should i go through with it?!

I know i'm a wimp :S

thanks a lot :)




  1. NO it doesn't really hurt and believe me im just like you and not good with pain. Just make sure they do not pierce it with a gun (not sure what to call it) then it will hurt because it shatters the cartilage. If you are a girl they are super cute. I had mine done in november and it is fine.  

  2. It's your body.

    It hurts oh yeah but it's so worth it, the worst is that your hair gets snagged on it, you forget its there and hit it with your hand, your hair brush hits it. when you towel dry your hair it gets pulled.

  3. You shouldn't pierce anything. It's not attractive. I know I'll get a thousand thumbs down BUT ITS MY OPINION.

  4. No!!!!  I did it, it hurt in an unbelievable way and never stopped until I took it out, and it got infected even though I cleaned it religiously.  Don't do it!

  5. uppper cartilage? ive had it pierced about 6 times (i let it close up cuz after it hurt too bad to sleep on) i got it pierced with a gun which yer not supposed ta do with any cartilage so im not shure if thats why but its veryyyy sore after ta where u cant sleeep on it nd hurts wen anything touches it :( it sucks but watever lol

  6. It hurts quite a bit, but only for a fleeting second. (Im a wuss and I survived 4 helix piercings..IN A ROW!!)

    The most important thing to do is relax when you do it. While the piercer prepares his piercing equipment, focus on relaxing your body from tip of your toes to top of your head.

    Another key is NOT to hold your friends hand, holding hands releases adenaline which makes you more tense and makes it hurt more.

    totally worth it, just make sure you take PERFECT care of it (as instructed by your piercer) because an infection is what really hurts.

  7. I've had my industrial done, and one of the holes is like a helix piercing.

    I must say that it hurt more than most of my other piercings, but it's not like the pain's unbearable or anything. It only lasts a couple of seconds :)

    I reckon you should go ahead and get it done, it's soooo worth it :D

    Good luck xx

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