
Should I have responded?

by  |  earlier

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A woman in the stall next to me said today as I was going about my business, "Next time have some manners and flush first." I was so embarassed yet outraged that I didn't respond and kept doing my thing. Next thing I know, I hear the toilet seat slam down hard and the bathroom door slamming shut with her cursing. Should I have responded?




  1. um, no? that is kinda what a bathroom is for....

    sounds like she was just having a bad day or something. i wouldnt let it get to you.

  2. Sorry, that was harsh, see women can be very hard to interpret. Almost takes a woman to tell ya and even then

  3. Aren't you a guy?

    Why were you in the restroom stall next to a women? where do they have unisex restrooms? Any way h**l Yeah you should have answered, Or just ripped a loud one and laughed maybe even said " That ones for you B**** " It's the Bathroom C'mon if she didn't want to smell it she didn't have to stay .

  4. Is it a toilet for both males and females? Haha.

    Well, it's too late to dwell on it, but if I were you I would have said 'sorry' or explain to her that she wasn't being very polite herself.

  5. uh weird,in the first place,why were you in the women's bathroom?i think you should be embarassed for going into the wrong bathroom.i personally think shes stupid cuz the bathroom is where you do your thang,constipate or pee.whatever noises theyre natural and theres nothing wrong wit doing that. [:

  6. i never used a bathroom where a man was in the next stall. thats weird what kind of bathroom has that? usually they r seperate for men and women.

  7. well...all i can really say is no you shouldnt have said anything she was having a bad day and needed to get over it in fact you should have farted as loud as u could just for the fun of it or you should have looked into the stall to make her p/o'ed

  8. courtesy flushes are not mandatory.

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