I befriended this kid who was working at my local ice rink (he's a hockey player, and I'm a male figure skater, and no, I'm not whatever may pop up in your head) 2 weeks ago. When we just met, he was very active and fun to talk to.
But after I've befriended with him, every time I see him at the rink, he doesn't talk to me anymore. I tried to talk to him but it seemed as if he was trying to end the conversation quickly with short replies, like "yeah" or "sure" or "I don't know". I called him up and asked if he wanted to do anything on a weekend (still he answered with short replies), and at the last minute (11:23 pm the night before), he called and said his mom made him do chores.
So, even though I've only known him shortly, I'm very curious if this is the behavior of a friend. Should I try to find out what's going on or not? If yes, then how? What should I ask him?