
Should I leave this college?

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I'm several hours away at a private liberal arts college. The students here come from better high schools (private, boarding, magnet) and are very intelligent. Judging from the syllabi that have been passed out and the questions and answers given by most students in the discussions, I feel very unprepared. I'm almost certain that if I stay here and manage to graduate, it will be with C's in the best case scenario and D's in the more likely scenario. Should I leave and go somewhere I'm more comfortable? I'm worried about having a bad transcript, as I might want to go to graduate school one day. Also, on top of this, I have panic disorder along with other issues that are making this more difficult. Thanks for any advice.




  1. Stay for the semester and study hard!!!!  I bet you can surprise yourself!  One semester, if your grades are not stellar, is not going to put you out of the running for grad school.  Give it some time, because i know you have not been there that long, give yourself some time to adjust.  I have a panic disorder as well. And one thing that i have learned is that when i give into my fears...the fears win, and it just makes overcoming the next obstacle more difficult.  When i overcome something it makes it all that more rewarding, and makes my next task easier to make it through.  You don't know for sure you will get bad grades and you were accepted to that college for a reason, they believed you can do the work and succeed.  Prove them right!  Good luck and if you need anything feel free to drop me an e-mail.

  2. Since you managed to get into a a good school i would stay. Work extra hard to keep your grades and dont slack off.

  3. I think your panic disorder is kicking in.  Stay the semester and re-evaluate the situation in December.  If you are falling behind in a class get a tutor.  You got into that college because you are good enough to be there!

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