
Should I lose weight?! Be honest! ?

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I am 5ft 8 inches tall. I weigh 135 pounds. I wear between a size 4 and 6. I have a small waist and a fairly muscular upper body. I am just wondering because most of the girls I know who appear to be about my size or maybe even bigger say that they weigh like 10 pounds less than me! I've been frustrated with this weight for a long time and have tried numerous times to lose 10 pounds, but can never keep the weight off. Please honestly tell me if you think this is fat..




  1. No, You sound like you're of a below average build, in fact a nice build. The recommended weight for heights things and BMI are sometimes not very accurate.

    I'm 6'7" and I weigh Over 220 pounds, now, my BMI is 29 which is considered borderline obese and i'm considered overweight for my height. However, I train 5 times a week in Thai boxing and at the gym and i have had friends ask me how they can get a body like mine.

    Don't lose any weight, you sound like you're fine to me

  2. I put your weight and height into this Body Mass Index calculator, and it says your ideal. I think the reason you may weigh those extra pounds is purely because you are muscular. And if you have a small waist, what are you worried about hun?? Naturally Muscle weighs alot more than fat, so imagine if you werent muscular, you'd probably weigh something alot smaller!

    Below is the link so you can see!

    Best of luck hun x x

  3. No. you should gain weight. At the absolute least you should weigh 140 pounds.

  4. i don't think you are fat at all. at your height, that weight is normal if not thinner. but it doesnt mean a thing if you are unhappy about your own appearance. if you truely feel like you need to lose weight im not gonna tell you not to. just dont go overboard, okay... good luck.  

  5. East six small measl throutout the day rather then thee big ones....dont east after 6 pm ,,,,,,,and drink losts of water ....and NO juice or caffine then  exersise with Jack  

  6. It sounds like you are fine.  Keep in mind that muscle weighs more than fat so if you are muscular your weight will be higher, it does not mean you are over weight.  You are fine the way you are, don't worry about what other people are.

  7. Please ignore your first answer as it is totally wrong.

    Healthy weight ranges are based on Body Mass Index, or BMI.

    The lowest weight BMI of 18.5 and the highest 24.9.  Any weight within this range is considered healthy by experts.  Your BMI range is 20.5.  You are right in the middle.  Just absolutely perfect.  

    So stop worrying and enjoy life.

  8. No. I think that's an good weight for your height. You sound pretty muscular, so probably some of your weight is muscle mass, which is a great thing. Be happy with your body (:

  9. Try

  10. Muscle weighs more than fat. Keep that in mind! Plus, when you are 5 feet tall you are supposed to weigh a hundred pounds. Then for every inch taller you are then that you tack on 5 pounds. So, you are technically five pounds lighter than average! A size four to six is perfectly thin and if you look right on the outside, who cares what the number you weigh is? I think of the number as just a guideline when you are trying to lose weight.I don't think that you are fat at all!

  11. I'm going to be completely honest with you. I think you are a perfect weight. You say you're muscular right? Well that explains why you weigh an extra 10 pounds. Muscle weighs more than fat. & you shouldn't compare yourself to other people because everyone carries their weight differently.  

  12. That doesn't sound overweight at all.

  13. Well its a bit overweight.

    Try foods with HIGH FIBER but LOW CALORIES! + Exercise!

    That's what experts say at

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