
Should I make these???

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Ok well I want to make some brownies. I bake by myself all the time like I'm 13 and baking is like my hobby. But my parents aren't home and I don't want to get them mad when they come home and see I made brownies. Should I make them or not? And If I make them should I say like "Thanks for being great parents" or something...? Thanks!




  1. My parents would have loved for me to make them brownies while they were out. My dad loves that kind of thing. If you have baked before when you were home alone, then i guess it would be ok. If not wait till they get home.

  2. just make them, what can the worst thing they can do to you if you made brownies

  3. Since you make it all the time, I guess your parents would be ok with it cuz you wanted to surprise them. Go for it. =)

    Wish you all the best.

  4. They probably wont care really. It depends on the parent just say oh yeah i made brownies today because was really bored. I used to do the same thing adn my parents never really cared..HAPPY BAKING!

  5. I'm fourteen. ;) If it makes them mad when doing these kinds of things, then don't do it and wait until they get home. -- Have you ever baked while they weren't around the house and they were fine with it? If you get a different reaction each time, I would be better off not doing it... If you have something else chocolatey, you could eat that instead.

  6. yes make them thaats a lovely idear

    just dont burn them lol

    have fun x

  7. I would wait till they get home for accidents do happen and wouldnt wont you to get hurt with noone around. Wait till they get home and as soon as they walk in the door tell Them " Hello Mom and Dad i am going to make you some brownies now for all of us to enjoy!"

  8. As long as you know how to make brownies without destroying the kitchen i'm sure your parents won't mind :)

  9. i do the same thing, are u allowed to use the oven whenever u want, if so then go ahead, if not, i would wait, even though making brownies is lots of fun!  

  10. If you keep your attention on the task I don't see a problem....Don't talk on the phone while your doing you will here the oven timer go off...

    Turn the oven off as soon as you are done...

    Your parents will thank you for you effort and good baking sense.
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