
Should I.....?

by Guest61730  |  earlier

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i am a total animal lover and feel guilty when eating meat. i asked my bff and she said that vegitarians dont get enough nutrients and protien. Should i go veg.??!?!??!??!




  1. myth.

    i see the lies are still raging.

    tell that fat headed meatatarian of yours to go out and play in traffic.

  2. Vegetarians easily get all of the vitamins and nutrients they need. Just eat fruits, vegetables, beans, nuts, and grains, and don't starve yourself.

    Good veg sources of protein, iron, and calcium:

    I went veg for the same reasons... I felt weird about being an animal lover but still contributing to a lot of animal suffering and deaths by eating meat. I'd definitely go for it, if it's something you want to do! Good luck.

  3. Yes, vegetables have superior nutrients & protein than animal products.

    When I tell people I'm a vegetarian, often the first question that I hear is, "Oh, so, where do you get your protein?"

    Sometimes I want to ask them, where do you think cows and pigs and chickens get their protein from? ^^; (Or, I could simply just say... tofu, soybeans, tempeh, potato, chickpeas, broccoli, mushrooms, oatmeal, rice, lentils, nuts, carrots, veggie burgers, ... [and the list goes on])

    The idea that plant foods are somehow devoid of protein is nothing but a myth, triggered by the high-protein fad diets and the meat & dairy industry. In fact, in terms of nutrition and health, plant-based protein is far more superior than any animal protein. Remember, Dr. Atkins who promoted the famous Atkins diet, weighed 258 pounds at his death and had a history of heart disease, according to CNN.

    So, here is an article that explains the protein myth:

    I hope you go vegetarian, for your health, the environment, and animal welfare. Feel free to read "How to become a veggie!" here also:

  4. Well, tell your friend she is wrong.

    Just make sure that you get enough iron.

  5. You need to do a search for good protein sources that are not animal-related. If you are wanting to start out, I would try vegetarian diet with only a small amount of animal protein, like eggs and/or cheese and milk. If this, too, bothers you, there are good alternate sources for these foods as well.

    As long as you are taking in good, quality foods with limited processing, you should be fine. If you begin to feel tired, look for a good, organic, vegetarian multi vitamin.

  6. Of course you'll get enough nutrients and protein.  Sheesh!  The only thing you won't get from plants that you get from meat is cholesterol, and your body makes that on its own just FINE.

    Check out to see the best sources for iron and calcium.  

    As for protein, even vegans get more than they really need.  As long as you eat a varied diet, you don't eat too much junk food, and you get enough calories, it's almost impossible not to get enough protein.

  7. Don't listen to what your friends say, tell them to do a little research before they throw their comments at you. That's how my Friend acted when I went vegetarian, she said that vegetarians actually hurt the enviorment because we eat all the plants which lowers the oxygen level. Any rude vegetarian-related comment you can think of.

    There's alot to do and sort out before you actually go vegetarian. You have to pick which type you want to be, figure out how you will make your own meals, find out what your vegetarian type can eat, physically buy products, find recipes, and then you can start being vegetarian.

    There are 6 different types of vegetarians. Do you want to give up meat completely? Or do you still want to get fish/chicken? What about eggs? That's why there are 6 different types:

    Semi-vegetarian: Eats chicken, fish, eggs, and dairy prodcuts. Doesn't eat geletain, and meat besides chicken and fish.

    Pesci-Vegetarian: Eats fish, eggs, and dairy products. Doesn't eat geletain, and meat besides fish.

    Lacto-Vegetarian: Eats dairy products, but doesn't eat meat, eggs, or geletain.

    Ovo-Vegetarian: Eats eggs, but doesn't eat meat, dairy prodcuts, or geletain.

    Lacto-Ovo vegetarian: Eats dairy products and eggs, but doesn't eat meat or geletain.

    Vegan/Pure Vegetarian: Eats nothing from animals. No eggs, dairy products, geletain, or meat. Mostly vegetables and plant based foods.

    If you want to give up meat completley, then I reccomend starting off being a Lacto-Ovo vegetarian. That way you can still eat eggs and dairy to get nutrition. if you want to hang on to fish or chicken, then try being a semi or pesci vegetarian. If your interested in being a vegan, i strongly reccomend being a vegetarian for atleast 6-8 months before giving veganism a try. I was a lacto-ovo vegetarian for 2 months, then I tried being vegan and it was extremely difficult, I wasn't totally used to cutting meat out of my diet, and I moved to a more complex diet when I wasn't ready. I lasted being vegan for like 6 days, literally. It was very difficult finding nutrition because I had so little expirience.

    Anyways, don't make it something you decide to do overnight either. Choose the type you want to be, then research about it, maybe buy a book, find foods/recipes you can eat, etc. The whole preparing process takes about a week, then give it a try.

    I'm asuming that your a teen and live with your parents, so buy your own types of vegetarian foods, and have your own little section in your family pantry to keep your vegetarian foods seperate. That's what I do:) It's alot more easier to buy the foods I know I can eat and keep them seperate than to sit for hours on end checking labels on the ingredients to the dinner my family is making. While my dad grills burgers, I cook my meat-less chicken nuggets in the microwave.

    If your going to be a lacto-ovo vegetarian, then I strongly reccomend triyng Morning star products. Morning star makes meatless foods like chicken nuggets, burgers, sausges, corn dogs, etc. from using soy ( from vegetables ) and vegetables, but it still has the same taste as regular meat, but with less fat and oil in it. I strongly reccomend trying them, they are so delicious! And you don't have that greasy feeling knowing that your eating real animals.

    Good luck making a choice, and congrats on wanting to be vegetarian, it's very healthy for you and is good for the animals and enviorment. Just make sure that your getting your nutrition by taking daily vitamins, and eating beans, rice, and vegetables. Good luck:)

  8. just go on a beef diet

    you will feel better

    trust me on this one...

  9. Well, I am considering it my self. Protein is easy to find in things like peanut butter and Tropical fruits. I wouldn't go compleatly vegan though. Its very hard to go compleatly vegan becuse you dont use, eat, or look at any thing that had to do with killing an animal.

    Animals are part of our food pyramid and we shouldnt necssisaraly feel "guilty" for it. Us going vegitarian wouldnt stop animals from dying. Just give a chance of reducing it.

    If we didnt feel bad that a wolf killed a cow and ate it than we shouldnt feel bad about doing it our selves considering its part of the circle of life. The problem with Americans is that we eat to much fast-food and junk. Dont compleatly STOP eating them, just eat them less and in a healthy way.

    Its what they were put on this earth for! Just dont abuse what you have!

    Hope I helped!,


  10. yea they do get nutrients and protien , and if your not cool with the whole vegan thing be a partial one where  chicken , fish and dairy are allowed so go for it and if you dont like it you can always go back good luck

  11. I am an animal lover to but if you have eat meat in your life time why change? God put it here for us! If you were stranded and all you had was meat would you choose life or death? Something to think about!

  12. yea they get plenty of nutrients and protien go for it
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