
Should I report this?

by  |  earlier

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I live in a pretty nice neighborhood, but we have neighbors that are always getting drunk, racing motorcycles down the street, setting off fireworks in the street, throwing beer cans, and having parties all through the night. Today I saw a young girl (oh, about 5 or 6) come in with her dad to their house. I watched the whole time through the window to make sure they didn't hurt her. They didn't get drunk this time, (though they did drink a couple and chased each other on foot in the street-not drunken, though...) and they left, but I'm worried about what might happen to that girl if she comes back. I'm too young to confront them, and they notice me watching, which makes me nervous. My mom is afraid of calling the police/social services for fear the people causing trouble find out we did it...should I do it anyway the next time I see the kid there? I doubt her dad's judgment very much if he's bringing her there...I just don't want to see her be harmed! (sorry if this is in the incorrect category, there was no really proper one so i went with this one...)

Thank you all!




  1. Hats Off.!!!!!! to your Bravery.Its nice to be Brave at this young age.Ok.Lets get to the problem.It seems you have investigated the problem and have made a analysis.Isnt it? As youre young,get your mother to investigate the situation and confirm your assumption.If its confirmed,call the Police at the time of the situation and remain yourself anonymous by making the call in a phone booth.Make sure its true,cause you dont want the cops to be annoyed.Congrats again to your bravery..

    Take care and Regards

  2. Absolutely report it! There have been so many cases of serious child neglect in Australia recently and the news reports always feature neighbours saying things like "The toddler came to my house in the nude and asked for food. Perhaps I should have said something!' and I stare the television in shock and think YES YOU SHOULD HAVE!

    That child may not be in any danger but lets be safe rather than sorry. I am a single mother and if social services came and visited me they would soon see I take good care of my darling boy. And I would do my best not to be angry and just to be grateful that I live in a country where people care and social services care about our children's welfare.

  3. I would def report this.  What happens if things get out of hand?  If there is any question to whom reported the issue, you don't have to tell them you did, that could escalate into a problem.  Most likely they won't have a clue.

  4. Report it, you don't have to say your name. I personally wouldn't worry about "causing trouble" when they clearly are the trouble...

  5. first of all stop being nosy its none of your business what your neighbors do  in their home if they're having parties and the noise is too loud then yeah you have a reason to call the cops but just because they drink doesn't mean their pedophiles and you can't just assume that little girls is in danger . Mind your own business don't you have anything better to do than stare at your neighbors?

    Yeah they should respect your neighborhood by not having so many parties and setting off fire works but other than that you have no business getting  involved in what they do.

  6. definitly call the police and social services! you can remain anonomyous. but when it comes to childrens safety i would do anything!  

  7. Its sounds like there just having fun.They didn't do anything to her so its fine.Just mind your own business unless you see something happen to the girl then call the cops.People need to mind there one business

  8. You know, on the one hand we still live in a "free" country where you can do that kind of stuff without the Gestapo or the KGB getting in your face.  On the other hand, if it's waking you up or disturbing the peace and your parents are willing to report them.  Be prepared to be interviewed by the police and sign out a complaint.  Your neighbors will know and you might start a feud with them and they sound like they have a lot less to lose.

    I've been wondering the same thing for two years.  I have neighbors who neglect their dog and it barks all night and they don't hear it because it is in a pen at the bottom of their hill facing my bedroom window.  I just put earplugs in, but I sure think about calling the cops on them at 4am when it wakes me up.

  9. Sometimes family issues can be hard to detect from a neighbor's prospective. Next time they litter or have a wild party all night, call the non-emergency police number (should be in your phone book). If they find that a young girl is in a living situation that is unsuitable, they might send child or human services to check up on them. It's easy to fear for a child's safety, but difficult to get the authorities involved. If you call the police about fireworks or parties, mention that you saw a young girl there and I'm sure they'll follow up on it.

  10. well whats always worked out good for me is minding my own business but thats just me sounds like we are from two different neighborhoods so do what you want to

  11. Call the Sheriff's department and report it.  Usually they'll just send someone out there to talk to them, and then, since you have reported it on record, if anything does happen, they'll be the first people checked out about it.  We've had people like that in my neighborhood, and that usually solves the issue.
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