
Should I sag my pants?

by  |  earlier

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First off, I am not talking about below the butt, just 1-4 inches below the waistband. Many people seem to say no to doing this, but so many people do it. Also, it may sound lame, but it does make me feel cool when I do it, or at least in style. If so many people hate the style, then why do so many people still wear this style? What is your perspective. Sorry if this is a stupid question or something not worth answering. I just am confused because people make it seem so cool. Thanks for your response and time everyone. Take care =)




  1. If you do, make sure you have your boxers up higher. I once saw a guy sag his pants and boxers and I could almost see his pubes.

  2. It's stupid.  

  3. wow....the real question is should your balls sag........

  4. depends are you in prison?

    Sagging originally means "you're available" to any gender, it means "want some anal intercourse" as well

    SO unless you want another guy around you, then I suggest not doing it

    And for you thinking you feel cool, you seem like a total loser, it doesnt make you cool it makes you worth looking-away from.

  5. dood! NO!

    do ya know where that originated from? look it up. its grozz

  6. Don't you just love the videos on COPS and other shows where the idiot gangsters with their pants half off to begin with get chased by the police, their pants fall down and they fall flat on their faces?

    I laugh and laugh at the fools.

    It's a stupid and cheap look, people with intelligence and good taste don't dress like that.     It's not "cool," it's stupid.

  7. Dude, grow up, you're an adult, it's lame and makes you look retarded. If you want to be "in style" you should dress casual, not sagging.

  8. a little bit is cute, but not too much, or it looks stupid.

  9. Take a staple gun to the waistband..this will help your problem. Be sure to post pics and let the Answers Community know how that works for you. Good luck!

  10. No. It's looks ******* retarded. Like - literally. Retarded people don't know how to keep their pants up, either. You always see them shuffling around McDonald's with melted ice cream cones and their pants falling off.

    Get some character, for god's sake. You'll look just like every other Limp Bizkit, fake gangsta, ignorant, wigger-idiot you see at your ghetto malls in middle america. Jeez.

  11. You think it's cool because you want to feel part of something.  I personally am against this practice.  If it'll make you feel good about yourself, then do it.

  12. You're EIGHTEEN and you think you'll look cool with your pants hanging low? HAHAHAHAH

    You're almost a MAN...ACT LIKE ONE!

    It's the ignorant losers who have to walk around like some low life with their pants hanging off their and looking stupid.  I laugh out loud every time I see some moron walk by me like that.  Then I whistle at them.  I guess they're trolling for a guy.  In prison that 'fad' started when guys were looking to 'hook up' with another guy and it indicated they were available for anal s*x. ARE YOU?

    And REAL people really don't want to see your skid marked underwear.  Ever wonder why it's called UNDERwear?


  13. I've always been a "low rider" but its really just personal preference. Many people are offended or find it silly. I also know how to be appropriate though. In a professional or dressy situation such as work I hike em up like everyone else.  Do what is comfortable to you.  People will give you c**p if you do but people will put pressure on you if you dont too (like you've already seen the whole everybody's doing it idea). Heck, you're 18, do what you want haha

  14. only to the point that if people see your underwear then they only see the elastic bands
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