
Should I sell my Gerbils?

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I want to sell my gerbils. But i love them and i dont want to give them to somebody who wont take care of them. But i cant take care of them right now(too much responsibility) Should i sell them?




  1. Will you should sell them. For everything I think the fair price would be about  20$. Hope I helped

  2. If you want to keep them but want to give them up at the sametime, keep one and give the other away. If that is still to hard keep them!!!!^-^

  3. I would sell the whole thing for a little less like $30 because the price now isn't that much better than some store prices (don't get me wrong, its cheaper, but won't grab someones attention).

    However i understand you don't want to sell them to just anybody (so anybody would want them for a cheap price), so you should put an ad in the paper (a bit pricey, but worth it) and list your phone number so you can speak to potential buyers and see if they would be a good, loving match for your gerbils.

    its hard to let go of your pets even if they are a big responsibility but hey, hopefully a new family can take even better care than you could!

    ps you can ask the family for updates like pics of the gerbils and even visits!

  4. Noooooooooooooooooooooo!OMG!Thats mean!Cute little gerbils!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:-( :-P

  5. I doubt you'll be able to sell them.

    If you're going to sell cage, bowls, bottle, toys etc. WITH the gerbils, you might shift them, but it depends on their age.

    If they're under a year, you'll probably be able to sell it as a job lot, but for VERY cheap. If they're over a year, they're going to be hard to sell, even with cage etc. as people get a bit weird about small animals which are slightly older than they can buy them in pet shops/breeders.


    That's quite a lot of money.

    People can get gerbils cheaper in shops and cages cheaper online.

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