
Should I start an investment program?

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I'm only 19 years old but I'm pretty savvy when it comes to those things. I have a regular pay-check but should I start a real investment so soon?




  1. Yes. Does your employer have a 401K? If so, that's the way to go. If not start a Roth IRA through It's a no load company. Just use index funds. Preference for me is U.S. Total Stock Market. You are on your way to being a millionaire.

  2. To get money, create account on then register at or to get money by clicking on ads.

  3. If you are investing a little at a time, I would recommend no-load mutual funds such as Vanguard, Fidelity or T Rowe Price.  If you are investing a large sum I would recommend ETFs since they have less expense than mutual funds and have the same diversification available.

    It would be a good idea to begin investing and keep it up over the years.  There will be good years and bad years, but in the long run, the market always makes a new high every few years.  It can drop a lot, but it always recovers in a few years--although after the crash of 1929 it too a LOT of years to recover.

  4. Oh yes. The earlier you start the greater the potential you have. The number of years you invest is actually more important than how much you save. In about 10 years what you earn on your investment will most likely be more than you invest that year.

    It may be especially easy for you now if you don't have debt or family obligations - so don't delay. Educate yourself. I recommend the Boglehead's guide to investing. and for a new investor the Vanguard Star Fund.

    Good Luck

  5. Yes.  You should start as early as possible.

    You should create a plan of how you will invest your money.  What is your projected return and what investment can offer you that return with the lowest risk.  The plan will made you realise what is the realistic investment environment that you will be involving with.

    You should educate yourself first to understand the investments that you are getting into.  Many people usually loses money because they don't really understand their investments.

  6. If your looking at investments, this is a investment that you really need to check out! You can't miss this incredible opportunity this has been the best investment of my life and probably the best decision i've ever made you need to check it out! Go to watch the presentation if you like what you saw email me at

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