
Should I take CBEST...?

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I wanted to be a teacher but I have started to rethink it. I am already signed up to take it but I can withdraw from it.




  1. I think that you should take the test in case that you would continue to want to pursue education.  However, please really consider this choice.  If you don't LOVE it, it is a miserable place to be for you and the students. It is not worth it financially either  if you are not absolutely committed.  Students deserve teachers who love their job.

  2. You may as well go ahead and take it because you may change your mind again later.  It is a pretty easy test.  I had a fever of 103 when I took it and I passed no problem.  Also, if you have the CBEST you can substitute.  It pays fairly well for part time work. LAUSD pays around 165 per day.

  3. I am unsure if you can get a refund, but if you are that sure that you want to change your career choice, you could always not sit for the exam.

    The CBEST is a basic skills test for California teachers.  They do require that you pass the CBEST within one year of receiving your credential.  For me, it was really easy.  The hardest part, I am embarrassed to say, was that there were mixed numeral fractions to add and subtract.  Do you know how long it has been since I've had to do those?  That threw me a bit...embarrassingly, again.  But, in all, it was pretty good.

    You can take a practice CBEST exam at:

  4. I teach at a university and none of them require anything except a degree. If you take the CBEST then you will always have a record showing that you passed it. States love to have hoops to make people jump through. They have all kinds of ridiculous things for teachers.

    When I started teaching at a university all of the hoops in a state stopped and the pay went way up.

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