
Should I take Dramamine?

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I'm going on a cruise and I'm a little scared of getting seasick. I have been on small boats before and have gotten a little dizzy, but nothing serious. I don't get carsick nor do I get sick on roller coasters. I was just wondering if I should take Dramamine just in case or if I should just see how the ship is and see if my stomach can tough it out.




  1. I always say I get seasick in the bathtub, but we love to travel, so I've never let it stop me!  I've tried a number of things depending on how we're traveling and what we're doing.  Here's our page on motion sickness....  you can see some of the options.

    Read what the  US Center for Disease Control has to say here:

    Happy travels... even if you don't travel the world... just remember that life is a journey... embrace and enjoy it!

  2. you could take it, but you will not be able to drink any alcohol. Or eat so many hours before taking it.

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