
Should I take Geology or Astronomy?

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Should I take Physical Geology or Elements of Astronomy? and for Astronomy they said we would be using Astronomica it hard?





  2. If this is an elective - it strongly depends on which you less scared of math or big words.

    A good astronomy prof will keep the math to a minimum, but you will come across equations like F=ma. If that scares you - take Geology.

    On the other hand, there is a lot of new vocabulary and similar sounding words to learn in Geology.

    I teach an intro astro course aimed and non-majors; my husband teaches the equivalent geology course. He gets the football players, I don't (but then his record on RateMyProfessor used to be better than mine...)

  3. You will love the grand science of astronomy more. It encompasses physics, chemistry, geology, even biology. I would urge you to take as many of these other courses as you can as well. You would appreciate the cosmos even more if you take all of them before an astronomy class though. Talk to profs ad counselors and friends.

  4. I would encourage you to take both because I really enjoyed geology but I am an astronomer. You'll learn a lot either way but if I had to choose bettween the two I would go for astronomy. :o)

    A class can be made or destroyed by the instructor. Perhaps look into who is teaching each class. Perhaps check out Go to whichever class has the best instructor and you'll be more satisfied.

    Astronomy will not be too hard and neither will geology. Both are highly interesting and can be easy to learn.

  5. i found geology boring and astronomy fascinating! and more fun to learn

  6. astronomy is easier, but geology is fun

  7. Geology is easier, but astronomy is fun

  8. For a science elective I would take either one.  Perhaps the geology since Astronomy requires more math.  But if you are good in math, it doesn't matter.  And yes, the professors abilities are paramount.  Too many classes are taught by foreign graduate students who barely know english.  

      For a career I would suggest Geology.  Astronomers are produced in much higher numbers than there are jobs. Most end up teaching low level university courses or high school science classes.   Very few ever get to do research in their fields of interest.  Geologists are hired not only by academia but by energy and mining companies.  

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