
Should I take the kids?

by  |  earlier

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We got a family dog when I was 15, ten years ago.

He has been diagnosed with aggressive cancer, and needs to be put down on Thursday :'(

My kids are 7.5, 5.5 and 3 months of age.

They were close to Mickey, even though he lives with Mum 3 hours away....

I am going to go and say goodbye to my dog, I will have to take the baby of course... should I take the older two? Will they be upset bubby got to go? I think they want to go but dont understand the finality of seeing him alive one minute and gone the next.....

I think if I expose them to death now (not watching it happen, just saying goodbye, laying flowers on grave etc) it could prepare them for later in life?

I really don't know what to do




  1. dont bring any of them.

    wait until they actually know more of the meaning of life..

    let them grow up a little before they are exposed to that kinda stuff

  2. I don't think you should take them.  I don't even think you should tell them where you are going.  Instead, after a few days just set them down and explain to them that he died...that he was old and very sick and he's in a better place now.  They don't need to know the details and they don't need to see his dead body.  Let them remember what he was like alive.

  3. no don't take any of them including the baby he won't know whats going on of course but to eliminate the jealousy as misplaced as it would be i wouldnt do it

  4. This is always a hard decision. I think I would take the kids to see the dog if they are close to him but don't say, "Mickey is going to the Rainbow Bridge, farm, better place etc" Just allow them to visit him, love on him and have them say they love him and bye before they leave. That way, when they hear that Mickey passed they won't have the "I didn't get to say goodbye feeling." You can reassure them that Mickey felt loved during their last visit.

    In my opinion, it would be easier to tell a child that their pet passed rather than saying he is going to. If you say that he is going to they are likely to wonder why you aren't doing more to prevent it. Just my thoughts! Whatever you decide, good luck and I'm sorry about your loss.

  5. I think the kids need to pet him once more and say goodbye.  If he's at home, they can do it there.  At their age, they shouldn't see him euthanized.

    I don't believe they'll be jealous if the baby goes.  I'm sure they're used to Bubby going where ever Mommy goes, anyway.

    I was in the same situation as you are just a few years ago.  Only, I woke up one morning and knew she was in a lot of pain and I couldn't wait.  My sons were sleeping so I woke them up to say their good-byes.  My daughters were at work and they met me at the vets.  They are all glad they were able to pet and kiss her one last time.  My husband was at work and never had his chance.  Whenever it gets brought up, he says he regrets not being able to say goodbye.

    My point is, where they say their goodbyes doesn't matter.  Just as long as they say them.

    My thoughts are with you.  It will take a while for the pain to subside.  There will be times afterward where you can speak about Mickey with happiness and other times where your lip will quiver and the tears will fall.  But trust me, when his passing is behind you, all your memories of him will be happy ones.  

  6. Talk to them first individually and ask them how they feel about you. Your 7 year old might be comfortable while your 5 year old isn't and vise versa. I would deffinately not have them stay through the whole process, but like you said, just to say goodbye. Good luck with everything, and I'm very sorry for your loss.

  7. well,....i'd say it depends on what state the dogs in!If he's in a bit of a state and it will be sad for them then i wouldnt take them i wouldnt wont to remember the family dog like that,but if maybe you could go out with then and the dog for a walk in the park or just out in the garden and explain to them its his last day  out because he's a bit old then it would be ok.but then again it all depends on your kids and what there like and how you know they will handle things.

    sorry about the dog x*x

  8. Heyy

    I think tou should take them,

    just tell them that he is going to be in a better place

    like welard in eastenders

    good luck.

  9. Who is mickey.. WHo is bubby. im confused

    have a nice day

  10. don't take your kids, for god's sake !

    laying flowers on his grave and such may be a good idea for a bit, but after a while they probably won't want to

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