
Should I talk to him??

by  |  earlier

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Okay, so, there is this guy who was at my school last school year and I liked him. My so called best friend knew that I liked him, so she decided to go and talk to him(with out me even knowing about it until later). She told him {in front of the whole class} that I liked him and that I wanted to go to the homecoming dance with him. He stopped talking to me after that. Since then he has been staring at me. I talked to him, and i told him that i just wanted to be friends. He shrugged and walked off. On the last day of school, when i got off of my bus, he walked past and he looked at me. Then i went in the school and he was standing in the hallway and watched me as i passed by him. About 5 minutes later, i went upstairs by my friends locker and he walked by 4 times while i was talking to my friends. Then, he walked halfway up to me, while i was facing my friends. So i turned around,,so i was looking towards him, and then he walked away.

My questions are:

Does he like me?

Should I talk to him?

If I should talk to him, What should I say??

Please help. I am confused!




  1. i will talk him

  2. Hmm...confused and scared more like it.

    I'm guessing he just recently realized that he probably likes you --that's why he stares so much. He's curious and probably smacking himself in the head saying "why didn't i notice her before??!"

    You should go give the guy a break. Talk to him but don't be too eager or well look like you are just dying to be with him. Make him feel comfortable-- like you don't expect anything from him that you can be friends pressure. Just casually say "hey, how's it going? or  what's up?" that sort of thing...that means he's not cramping your style..

    He's probably insecure after blowing you off when he heard about your "feelings" for him..and now that he's realized he wants to go out with you..he's not feeling too confident coz he might get the cold shoulder too...

    when you talk to him? talk to him ALONE..w/o your girl buds..that way it won't be too awkward and hard for him...who knows? This could be a start of a relationship.

    Be cool but not aloof. Be confident but not haughty. Be yourself.

    Joke around with him like "hey, cat got your tongue? or I'm really sorry if my bestfriend stuck her foot in her mouth.. I just hope we can forget about the whole thing..i mean, it's okay if you don't like me that way, i'll totally understand." OR go say "Have you seen this movie? Want to hang out sometime?" --perhaps a little opening is all he needs..then he'll take it from there.


    good luck!!!

  3. Hey Amanda,

    sounds like the guy maybe be a bit confused himself. i think you should approach him since it seems that he is trying to approach you yet doesn't know how. Try talking to him , i think he may have a few things to say as well. Maybe he does like you and maybe he just needs to talk to you.

    And if you do end up talking to him, start with basic talk first, like "hey, whatsup" and then ask him if he has something to say, and maybe he'll open up then.

    Good Luck :)

  4. It sounds like he might like you but you should ask him or just flirt with him and see what he does.
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