
Should I tell the school?

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Today while I was biking to school I saw a man on the sidewalk with a beard who was mumbling to himself and waving his hands... it creeped me out.

so I went to school and waited at the front of the building for the students to be let in, and I looked across the street-it was the man. he had stopped and was staring at all the kids (there were about 30 of us, all middle schoolers). He stayed there for about 3 minutes and then he walked off. Should I tell my school about this guy?




  1. If you see him outside the school again .. then yes

  2. yes tell the school. and even your parents

  3. oh yes if samething  should happen   you dont want to think u could of stop it  so plezz tell them

  4. yes, better safe then sorry!

  5. always tell the school. Better to be safe than sorry

  6. i would wait and see if you see him again. he could've just been some harmless random guy having a bad morning. otherwise, if you see him walking around again let someone know. let an adult see what he needs, etc.

  7. yes.

    just tell them you dont know for sure, but he was making you feel nervous....

  8. Yes, you should, especially if you see him again.  It's best to report any supsicious behavior immediately for the sake of yours and the kids' safety.

  9. Yes, I would.

    Just for the safety of the children & so they can keep an eye out for this man. Describe him well.

    If he doesn't come back, it'll be no biggy and everyone will most likely forget. If he does, well it will have been a good thing you said something!

  10. Well Cy it wouldn't hurt to tell your teacher what you saw, can you describe him? Height,weight,age, color of hair, clothing?Yes, if I were you i would tell your teacher what you saw

  11. Yes, tell someone right away. It is probably just someone with a mental problem, but who knows for sure. You don't want the guy to show back up so tell someone so they can keep a look out for the guy.

    If you aren't comfortable telling a teacher or someone yourself, tell a parent and have them call about it.

    Simply say, "I saw a man who really made me nervous the other morning. He had a beard and was mumbling to himself, then he came over and watched us for a long while before we were let in."

    Really, I don't think kids should be left outside unattended anyway. There should be someone out there supervising things, and watching out for potential predators.

  12. Chances are he is perfectly harmless, just a bit off balance; However if he "creeped you out" there could be something to it. Most people have pretty good instincts ( whether they listen to them or not) and if someone gives you prickles on the back of your neck or whatever, that person bears keeping an eye on. If you aren't sure whether or not to tell the school, talk to an adult ( mom, dad, aunt, friend of the family, etc.) whose judgment you trust. As others have said "better safe than sorry".

  13. Absolutely 100% yes.

    This way, the school can document it - and if another student sees the same person on a day that you don't, it will establish a pattern.  Always good to have data.

    When it comes to safety, you can't be too careful.

  14. absolutely tell the school and your parents as well. I would ask your parents to drive you to school if you see him again just to be safe.

    he might be harmless but you never know unless you have him checked out. too many bad things happen around schools (or any public place for that matter).

  15. Oh, by all means.  He's probably harmless and just confused, but the school should be aware of him just in case.

  16. Yes! Yes! you should tell them and the police department, give as much of a description as you can. It might be just a vagrant or it could be a pedophile shopping around the neighborhood. Do you honestly think doing nothing was the right choice? I'm sure you said no or you wouldn't have written about it, so go tell. Your doing a good thing you might even have saved a kid by making sure others are watching him too.

  17. What are you going to tell the school?  Having a beard is no indication that this man has "bad" intentions.  Walking down the street mumbling to himself and flayling his arms is no indication either.  So you know for certain he stopped and looked at the kids for three minutes?  Did you have a stopwatch on you?  He could have been looking at the kids remembering when HE was in school and maybe missed those days.  I see people walking down the street appearing to be mumbling to themselves all the time, some use hand gestures some don't...turns out they're talking on their headpiece of their cellphone, this guy could be doing so as well.  So all you have is a man with a what are you going to tell the school?

  18. Call the police...then tell the school. Have the police come and check him out and also have your school keep a watch out for him.

  19. the man had a right to be on the sidewalk -which is public property.

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