
Should I throw a party ?

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I always have halloween parties should I bother ?

If I do any ideas I don't want it to be same old same old

And I'm still young enough to like it before someone says anything thanks in advance.




  1. Oh I don't think that there is such a thing as too old for Halloween parties.  There are so much fun.  I say go ahead and throw one.  For Halloween parties I always recommend a fun group game to break the ice like Halloween-themed Charades or Win-Lose-or-Draw.  For either of these just buy some printable business cards and print out Halloween sayings such as "trick or treat," "black cat," "haunted house," et cetera.  I know telling everyone that its time for a party game can make you feel lame for a moment, but when everyone gets into the game they will really start having fun and tapping into their competitive nature.

    Happy Haunting!

  2. Ill throw Halloween parties till the day i die and im almost 23 get a kegger

  3. Young enough? Everyone is young enough to love Halloween and to enjoy parties! I say always take the chance to have a party. We only live once, and we are meant to enjoy it!

  4. yeah throw the party  invite lots of friends parties are for memories who cares how old you are I am no very good with ideas but since the theme is halloween do like a haunted house or something ..those are fun.(=

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