
Should I wear my cup?

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At pop warner football or I wont need it?

Because some people say you cant run with it and it doesnt really come in much?

Should I wear it and will it effect me playing as runningback.




  1. Wearing a cup won't slow you down if it's a cup that fits right.  Sure, you might go 7 years and not get hit, but it only takes one.

    Stuff like this happens more often than you think.

    There was an NFL game last year where a player took a punch straight to the sack while he was being tackled.  He was hurt after the play and they kept replaying it to see what happened.

  2. It will affect you, buy a cup and cut off the cup part. That way you still have the strap, because if you don't have the strap for games, they won't let you play. Also, you don't have to wear it to your practice tomarrow

  3. I'm not sure about it as a running back because I play left tackle, but it doesn't really bother me. I would wear it just in case. Better safe than sorry.

  4. a cup is really uncomfortable, and hard to move in but there a cups that come in with girdles, that might be better

  5. ive been playing for 7 years and i have never been hit there. I would go with no cup its extremely uncomfortable and u  will not be as fast

  6. NOOO. Trust me. Coaches told me never to wear a cup. If you do, it will only make it worse... Just trust the pads!! :)

  7. well you decide if it affects your performance, you shud wear the jock strap and take out the cup, if you get the family jewel hit put it in, all it takes is one hit for you not to be having kids soon.

  8. i play highschool and nobody on my team bothers wearing one, it will probably slow you down. besides you have bigger things to worry about than getting hit in the balls

  9. dont be a ******* dumbass, where the cup. god for bid something goes wrong, you can no longer have children. Not only that but you can expect pain, a life of ridicule and torment, and a lot of troubling marrying someone (who wants to marry a guy who can't have kids!) Believe me a i know a guy who this happened to, and u dont want it. I know its uncomfortable, but just wear the cup or you'll regret it.

  10. as a RB, yes... deffinately, and you'll get used to it, just wear it and dont practice or play once without it, or you'll have to start all over getting used to it again
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