
Should I wear them???

by  |  earlier

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Tomorrow I have a dance to go to. And there will be a high chance of cute boys (There are 25 and up going) I have bands on my braces. I feel dorky in them. if you were me, would you wear them?




  1. Your should wear nothing at all!! ;D

    the brace bands I mean............


  2. yes i would because your only as dorky as you think you are.....

  3. yes ofcours

  4. yep, also your pocket protector, maybe you could also play him some flute, med evil style

  5. You ask a lot of questions- no offence lol.  

  6. i think you can take them off for one night :)

  7. I have friends with rubber bands, and I don't think they look dorky at all. Plus, at your age, kids are used to girls having braces, it shouldn't be a problem. You'll want to feel most confident though I guess.... It's all up to you in the end.  

  8. yes

  9. I would wear them if I am not allowed to remove them. but if you are not comfortable wearing them and you are allowed to remove them for a while then you better remove it because it would make you feel shy or it would lessen your confidence that would make you rather stay alone. besides if the guy really likes you who ever and what ever you are and even how you look like. he must accept you for who you are. God bless and take care

  10. Probably not.  If you feel dorky, then you will lose self confidence and that is important when dealing with "cute boys".

  11. um i wouldn't. but thats just me.

  12. h**l yeah. If there's one thing that turns a guy on it's rubber bands.

  13. i was in a band once. But that was diferent I got raped. Oh well I still have more penises than george bush. Also the rubber bands are cool. Wear them in your hair

  14. You should because you will be happy you did when you get your braces off.

  15. Yes wear them.

    Not all males are jerks.

    Don't worry You'll be rid of them soon enough, and you'll have anyone who makes fun of you in the past eating out of your hands.

  16. it shouldnt be about looks

    but it is

    and l dont think there really gonna notice wether you have bands or not

    they'll prob see that you have braces and either think

    -ewwwwwwwww OR

    -wow shes making an effort in her appearance

  17. I wouldn't wear the bands, especially if they make me feel dorky already. It would only be for that one night so that would be okay. I would want to be confident and feel good so that I can focus more on the dancing.  

  18. no

  19. i dont think that any1 will notice or care. loads of people i know have braces and bands on them and they dont care, and nobody else does :)

    please answer mine?;...

  20. Yeah, most the time you can't even seen the bands. Besides most people won't care or notice.

  21. I will answer your question with a question:

    If you start a relationship with a "cute guy", will you ALWAYS remove your bands when you see him?

    If not, then wear them, because otherwise any relationship you start will be tainted by your apprehension of the upcoming "big reveal" (the first time he sees you with your bands on).

    Hope this helps,


  22. I am confused. the guys are 25 and older? and should you wear the bands? no.

  23. your typical base people on there appearance shame on you, its people like you that make kids so depressed these days because kids like you have to have a hot guy. there more to it then hot kids find some one who you love and not just adore.

  24. You can take take them off for the hours you are at the dance..

    it's gonna be fine.

    have fun :]

  25. yes, i have braces.

    they never bother me or lower my chances of talking/flirting with guys.

    just be yourself.  
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