
Should Miliband just shut up now ?

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  1. Milliband should be the leader of the labour party. (PM or not the PM). One day, I think he will be at the top. At the moment there is no one else who I think could be successful as Labour Party Leader. As for Gordon Brown, he should be kicked out as soon as possible.

  2. These politicians like Miliband have one thing in common!How can I unseat the incumbant Prime Minister?Yet at the same time appear to be 'Mr.Nice Guy'.

    All this posturing and shouting by Miliband is structured for the Labour Conference in September when Members of Parliament will have a chance to jetison this incompetent political cretin Gordon Brown!

  3. He's just grandstanding in preparation for his challenge of Gordon Brown; seeing as parliament is back this coming  week that will probably be sooner rather than later. lol

  4. Miliband is a Zionist with a Zionist agenda. Anybody who looks at Georgia independently for 10 minutes can realize that it is a  US/Israel  proxy.  His game is in line with that of the US Neocon-Zionists.

  5. Had to answer as I cannot thumbs up lex,

    Milliband is a light weight twit, he looks a total idiot posturing around.

    I can understand his 'inherited hatred' but he should grow up and get it into perspective.  Times change, we are supposed to learn- and change with the times

  6. Milliband is not the only Cabinet member with communist connections by a long way. Just do a little research on Google or Yahoo Search,you may be surprised. As for Milliband being the leader of the Labour Party it is truly said those the gods wish to destroy they first make mad!.

  7. Anyone who believes Trotsky and his supporters were anti-communist, probably also believe in fairies at the bottom of the garden.

  8. Did you see that russian newspaper on Millibands warning? It said "***** You" in Russian!!!

    hahahaha that made my day!

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