
Should UPS have charged me this?

by Guest65412  |  earlier

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Okay, I live in Canada, and I recently ordered an 8 GB iPod Touch from the Apple Canada website. I was assured that shipping was free. This morning it arrived via UPS, and I was charged a $30 customs fee. The website mentions nothing about being charged a customs fee. Was this supposed to happen, or was I ripped off? Is there any way to get my money back?. I'm especially worried because I have a Macbook coming in about a week, and I don't want to pay a huge customs fee on that.




  1. It must have been shipped for the US. Anything coming across the border has a customs fee. Customs fee is different than shipping fee.

  2. You may wish to contact Apple Canada about this UPS charge.  Recently, I bought a GPS from in Ontario, but I was advised that the GPS would be shipped from the USA via UPS and I was told that there would be no custom fee charge to me by the UPS for the delivery.  In my view, you shouldnt pay any custom fee if you buy from a cdn retailer.  The fact that it does not have stock in canada to ship it to you does not mean you as a customer have to pay the custom fee (for the retailer) for shipping from the US.

  3. Anything that passes over the boarder is subject to different fees.  In your case, you were promised free shipping, which you received.  The charge you obtained was from customs, which is totally independant of Apple.  Customs charges fees because like any paperwork done, it costs money.  Everything coming from the U.S. is subject to this fee, even items covered under NAFTA.  

  4. If something is shipped from the US into Canada, there is a customs fee attached.  This is separate from the shipping charge, and somebody has to pay it.  If the shipper specifies 'no shipping charge', you could argue with them about the $30, but UPS doesn't care about that, you still have to pay them.

    I would agree that, unless a shipper specifically says they are shipping from the US, and that shipping and/or customs fees will apply, a so -called Canadian based operation should not be allowed to lave you with the bill.


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