
Should WW3 be named WWB?

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World War B- ush

Thought it up while answering another question.

I wonder if Bush would like to have WW3 named after him.

What say you?




  1. Why would anyone who's not completely evil and insane want a huge war named after them?

  2. And give him that honor? h**l no.  

  3. If World War 3 will occur, Bush will have been long gone by then. But for causing the chain reaction of events, yes, the name of blame should go to him.

    But then again, they never named WWII WWH (World War Hitler)

  4. So long as it's not Armageddon.

    Some politicians, like our own Blair, gave the impression of actually seeking to bring an apocalypse about, not content with just believing in it.

    They seem to want to make it self fulfilling.

  5. goerege boosh ist he best president in teh history of the world

  6. Only if by B you mean Bin Laden...then yes i would agree.

  7. As much as i hate bush, and i truly, truly do.

    We all have to take  a step back and look at who gave them the power, who stood by and let the surpreme court tell us that its okay for him to cheat on his votes, A offical recount should've taken place, rather people who voted came or not shouldn't matter its still the right of the american people, to call that recount. But we didn't and now our futures will weep.

  8. Of course he wouldn't want that.  He is not this evil planning villain that many believe he is.  He loves this country, and he cares about others too.  He just doesn't take too kindly to terrorism and bullies.  He has the guts to face them and to knock them down.  He doesn't go out looking for a war, but if others are going to cause undue harm to others --he will stop them.  He's superman-defending the weak from the lairs of the evildoers.

  9. WW Bull In The China Shop.  WWS War For Security.

    NSW  National Security War  ,Nationalist  Socialist War, War Agency War,  3 Nationalist Socialist Act. Mockery possible but answer anyway.

  10. Haha yeah

    wait how about world war stupid.  

  11. I believe that is an excellent idea.  I don't think it should be officially named after him as i'd prefer to forget all about that elohssa once he leaves office.  But it would make for a great nickname for WW3.  Excellent idea!!

  12. everyone thought that we would have war during the cuban missile crisis. what is bush doing to start this so called war?  we have Britain, Austrialia and a few euro countries that back the U.S. up. Russia, if anyone will, start WW3. look at how hostile Russia is being towards the U.S.?


    Bush is doing what he thinks is for the best interests of the U.S. way of life. this mostly has to do with countries changing from dollar standard to euro standard. in other words, if more countries (specifically OPEC countries) start changing thier reserves to and trading the euro (like Iraq did, then we went in and overthrew them) the demand for the US dollar will decrease and therefor the US dollar value will decrease even more than what it is and our economy will be INFLATED even more than what it is, oil/food prices will go through the roof (as will other imported goods). if you think its bad now, it can (and probably will) get a lot worse. sorry for rambling a little.

    but to answer your question, it is too soon to know whether Bush will start WW3 or not.  

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