
Should a sunni muslim?????????

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give up there faith if they still drink and smoke weed? i mean i still make salat and a practice many good deeds. So should i just give up on my faith or will Allah forgive me for that




  1. You can't ask God to forgive you, then continue drinking and smoking weed.

    When you drink, you salat will not be considered correct until 40 days after you drank alcohol.  You still need to pray, but the prayers won't count until your body gets rid of the alcohol, which, again, is 40 days.

    I recommend you at least cut out the drinking.  Weed isn't as negative, although it's still considered an intoxicate, which islam forbids.

  2. Hadith Qudsi

    "O son of Adam, as long as you call upon Me and put your hope in Me, I have forgiven you for what you have done and I do not mind. O son of Adam, if your sins were to reach the clouds of the sky and then you would seek My forgiveness, I would forgive you. O son of Adam, if you were to come to Me with sins that are close to filling the earth and then you would meet Me without ascribing any partners with Me, I would certainly bring to you forgiveness close to filling it."

    O My servants who have transgressed against their own souls, despair not of the mercy of Allah. Indeed, Allah forgives all sins. Truly, He is Most Forgiving, Most Merciful. (Surah az-Zumar 39:53)  

  3. Allah doesnt exist.. so yeah

  4. nah, never give up on ur faith

    Allah is Most Forgiving, and even though it's bad that u drink/smoke weed, if u have His love in ur heart He's there for you.

    stick to the true path, pls don't go astray!

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