
Should farm subsidies be eliminated?

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Should farm subsidies be eliminated?




  1. Yes, along with all corporate welfare. The Great Depression and the dust bowl are ancient history.  No need for price supports.

  2. When they end up subsidizing the humongous mega corporate farm complexes, yes.  I do not believe that was the initial intention.  I do believe it was to help our smaller family farmers, not these huge  complexes.

  3. All subsidies should be eliminated. The only exception being a direct response to a foreign government subsidy designed to create an unfair market place. The government's job is to protect a free market, not meddle in it for their own purposes or to buy votes.

  4. Most definitely!  

  5. I have to wonder how many of you understand farm subsidies and what the effect of eliminating them would have on the economy.  Most people look at family farmers and assume that they are rich because they own large tracts of land.  This usually is far from the truth.  Most family farms are heavily in debt due to the high costs involved.

    Eliminating farm subsidies would raise the price of food significantly perhaps even doubling the price.  It would cause most small family farms to be foreclosed.  This would be a greater crisis than the current housing crisis (see the 1970s).  The giant mega-farms would be the only ones to survive.  These farms are large corporations and are run in the same manner.  Environmental concerns, local impact, and consumer costs are ignored.  They are simply out to make the most they can.  They often have a negative effect on the surrounding community.  

    People complain about Walmart having too much control of the department store industry.  It is because they have effectively eliminated the local family store.  Eliminate the farm subsidies and there will be a "Walmart" of farming in a few years.

    DAVE:  Hope your not telling that joke with your mouth full of food.

  6. Yes. But, only if we stop ALL other industry handouts. No more tax breaks, grants or handouts. Be prepared for higher prices on everything though. And farming should be the last to be addressed.  

  7. Yes, but prepare for higher food costs.

  8. Yes I think they should but I doubt it will ever happen.....Heard this joke at the barber shop...."Did you hear they are only going to bury farmers 3 feet deep from now on? Why is that?So they can still get their hand out!"

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