
Should fat people get less sympathy?

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i feel like America accepts fat people too quickly. It's a serious health problem and it is very unattractive. It's wierd that some people embrace big as beautiful. it is not.




  1. I happen to find it odd that women who have the body of a twelve year old boy are regarded as beautiful in todays society, but thats just my opinion. Speaking as a girl who is considered "fat" by Vougue standards, I never have any trouble getting men. I also happen to find scrawny people quite unattractive.  

  2. ive been a fat person practically all of my life and just decided to become fit and so i am fit now and ive become overly critical about others when i should not be, i mean being fat is just having this layer of fat in your body but you are still an individual who encounters problems, who has unbelievable depression issues that you have to cope with everyday of your life and its hard to judge, hard to say what they should do, i mean i could just say people who are fat are just lazy and just eat and eat without thinking but there are underlying problems, we should just stop comparing, being s**y and fit is a sickness too, it makes you vain, i am for one becoming this shallow individual, i once admired people for who they are and not about their body type and now i am becoming this monster and i hate it.

  3. Only from skinny people with less empathy.

  4. HEY HEY HEY HEY THERE MAN! I am black and I LOVE fat white girls okay.

    That was a jk......

    Most fat people are ready to blame their country and other things but themselves. I think we should do something in this country and build facilities for exercise other than entertainment, we need to handle this obesity problem and take it serious before everyone in this country becomes a pig.

    Also, fat people get picked on a lot but leave it up to the liberals and others to compliment them. If they are fat from a Thyroid gland disorder etc, then yes they should get sympathy. If they are fat because they just sit around all day and watch TV as they eat chips while their mother is begging them to exercise and get out, I say BASH EM!  

  5. Less sympathy than... what?

    Here is the "key" to your question...  You say, "I feel.."  Thus, you are stating an opinion.  Therefore, "should"  has no place in your question.  People are entitled to their own opinions.

  6. What are you proposing instead?  Therapeutic ridicule?

  7. Obviously. The fat people must be made to understand that obesity is a burning shame. A little discrimination may be useful because it'll compel the fat people to reduce fat and ultimately it'll benefit none but themselves.

  8. it depends on the person and howthey got fat.I got fat from eatting alot of vegetables,and fish and my doctor tells me I am in perfect health and alot of men love me so shut your ******** mouth BUD.

  9. I think people can do with their bodies what they want. I only care about my body.

  10. no one is needing of sympathy. fat people don't just wake up one day and decide to be fat. most fat people have always been fat and are surely aware of it. i've lost about 50 lbs and it wasn't easy but i also didn't push myself more because that just makes me get off edge and really **** things up. people only care about something once they're objected to it.

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