
Should females be circumcised too?

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The female equivilent of the male f******n (prepuce) is the clitoral hood (also called prepuce). Both the f******n and the clitoral hood are packed with nerve endings that enhance sexual pleasure.

A question for those who support male circumcision.... If it's ok to remove a boys f******n because it's 'cleaner', 'less gross' or just 'looks better' do you think it's ok to remove the clitoral hood from girls??

Yahoo people... please allow this question to be posted... you blocked my last attempt.... this double standard on circumcision needs to be discussed.




  1. I don't think women alone should be allowed to make the decision to have a boy circumcised or any boy circumcised.  It annoys me when a woman makes another woman circumcise her child.  The f******n will loosen eventually and the boy can wash his p***s by himself. Whether the boy is circumcised or not, he still should be taught to use soap and a wash cloth to clean  himself.

    I agree with other readers that it should be the the boys decision to make when he is an adult.

      Circumcising a boy just because your brother, or your former boyfriend or the Playgirl model is like that, or what you sexually prefer are circumcising for all the wrong reasons.  The p***s with f******n can be clean too.

      Yes. I will be rude and say a woman should be circumcised too if she wants to hack off the boy's "heart-center". Tell the woman to open her legs and get on the table first. Here comes the medical knife.

      P.s. crtbryn has the best answer!

  2. No.

    It is only perfectly ok (and advisable in my opinion) to circumsize a boy.

    But girls should not be circumsized.

  3. Thank you for this very pertinent question.

    Female circumcision of minors is illegal in just about every civilized country, including the USA.    It is rightfully considered genital mutilation and scars the woman for life, and also damages or destroys sexual sensitivity.

    Male circumcision is also genital mutilation, damages and scars the p***s and destroys more than 50% of sexual sensitivity together with diminishing the size of the p***s; in adult circumcision, the girth is diminished, in infant circumcision the trauma and insult to the tissues inhibits normal penile growth and development.

    Where is equal protection under the law for males?    Isn't it unconstitutional to allow male infants' genitals to be mutilated while making it illegal to do the same to female infants?

    Since when does a scarred and mutilated p***s look better than a natural and normal and whole one?    

    Did you know that about 10% of male infant genital mutilation requires additional surgeries to attempt to repair damage from the first one?

    A f******n never killed anyone, to my knowledge, but circumcision kills and maims people daily.    There are many complications, such as gangrene, catastrophic infection, and many individuals suffer psychological complications from having been mutilated, especially those who have sexual dysfunction resulting from the damage.

    I've heard of several cases where the infant developed gangrene of the p***s, and had to have a s*x change because the p***s had to be amputated.    

    In Africa, where they're trying to promote circumcision to prevent HIV

    (it doesn't) there are men dying from botched circumcisions.

    HIV is caused by a virus, not by a f******n, and if circumcision prevented HIV, the US wouldn't have one of the highest rates of HIV in the world, as compared to Europe, Asia and South America, where they normally leave their men unmutilated.

    If circumcision prevented HIV, STDs and penile cancer, then the US should have the lowest rate of these; it doesn't.    

    Circumcised females would certainly be cleaner, as there would be less crevices to trap smegma and bacteria.    Yes, females produce smegma, too.    

    Women have at least 1,500 products to clean and deodorize the vaginal area, and yet they are so concerned about the f******n being dirty---whose genitals are dirty?     I never saw one single product for a man's genital hygiene.      Those "dirty foreskins" seem to work very well, as the birth rates in the countries that don't mutilate their males are usually rather high; evidently uncircumcised men have a lot of s*x, because they and their partners enjoy it more.

    The only benefits of circumcision are to the doctors, who make money from it and are frequently members of the minority religious groups that try to impose this practice on others, and the minority religious groups, which can claim another victim.

    A f******n is not a birth defect; it is a birthright.

    If God had wanted me to have a f******n, I would have been born with one.

    Infant circumcision is infant sexual abuse, and a violation of the basic human right to a complete and whole body.

    Those who advocate and perpetrate genital mutilation are perverts.

  4. This is an excellent question, but I garuantee you that nobody who supports male neonatal circumcision will be able to answer it intellegently or objectively. Most of them clearly don't know much about anatomy & physiology, or that male and female parts are analogous to each other, or that there are 4 different types of female circumcisions (which vary in severity).

    When you look at a side by side comparrison of removal of the prepuce (male or female) they are exactly the same thing! The only difference is on a male you are removing more skin over a larger area and with the female you are removing less skin over a smaller area.

    The ignorance of some of the responses so far is really embarrasing!

    "Girls don't have a f******n"

    "You have to have a p***s to have that done"

    "Girls don't have skin covering the C**t"

    Clearly, ignorance is driving the infant male pro-circumcision crowd which is just as bad as the ignorance that drives the female circumcision advocates in the countries that do it.

  5. CIrcumcision of males and females is unecessary. I definitely see your point about the double standard. Boys all around the world are circumcised every day and nobody bats and eyelid. It happens to a girl and it's contravening their human rights. Ban it all.

  6. Both FGM and MGM are barbaric, disgusting practices.  People who don't see it that way are ignorant of the facts.  The cultures that circumcise their girls do it for the same cosmetic and supposed medical reasons that "more civilized" societies (us) use as an excuse to do it to boys.  Women in these cultures WANT their daughters circumcised.  It's cleaner, better looking, and she will be more pleasing to her husband.  FGM is as acceptable to them as MGM is to us and FOR THE SAME REASONS!

    Circumcising little boys is just plain sick and perverted.  You people just don't see it that way because you think it's normal and healthy.  You're misinformed.  

    EDIT:  Quotes about female circumcision.  This is a must-read for all of you who are in favor of circumcising boys but against circumcising girls.

  7. Eww, No. Women don't have a f******n like men do. That would be pretty painful.

  8. I 100% AGREE WITH YOU.

    That little bit o' skin- its meant to be there!! On girls AND guys!

    Just because a guy is uncut, doesnt mean he's dirtier. I prefer my man uncut for sure!!! And as a mother, there NO WAY I'd get my son snipped!! If anyone has a problem with that, how about I slice a bit of their gentalia off first, and then see if they still feel the same way?

  9. You are totally correct. I deeply resent this mutilation and people who argue that the two things are different are just ignorant of the facts.

    Here's a checklist of comparisons.

    and a comparison of male and female anatomy.

    This is a list of what is lost when a male is circumcised.

  10. WTF? Female circumcision is completely different because it ruins s*x in general for women. They are sewn up. It is more then just a piece of useless skin that can get infected.

    Male circumcision is completely different. It still works. It still feels f**king good. There's no real reason not to if its done in a clean environment by a trained professional and not done too tight (then there is no sliding at all... and that's not cool).


  11. Pics or it didn't happen.

  12. Nope


    You have to have a p***s to have that done


    A womans pus-y is not a p***s the last time I looked


  13. It is a double standard. Female circumcision is an important ritual in some parts of the world, but in the developed world it is illegal. Why then are baby boys, who have no say in this collossal decision, not protected in the same way? Cutting off a boy's f******n is completely unnecessary, unless it is a ritual in your religion. My f******n is still intact and I've never had any health issues. For that reason, I'm very glad I was never circumcised as a baby.

  14. You really dont understand why the f******n is removed then do you? Its to keep it clean.All sorts of germs get trapped in the f******n. Us girls dont have skin covering our C**t. One question. Do you know what a C**t looks like??

    It definately isnt double standards. Its just a health precaution for the males

  15. it is NOT considered mutilation for a male to be circumsized, howeever it is considered mutilation for a female to be circumsized. get your facts straight.

  16. I agree completely. Some people are so uneducated and ignorant.

  17. Females for sure should not be circumcised, and neither should males for the same reasons.

    A natural p***s is the design for the male p***s, and it works awesome believe it or not! ... I know that it comes as a surprise that nature gets anything right!  We humans seem to need to fix any and everything that nature has achieved! Probably a good thing, because we had too many species of creatures anyway, and the globe does need a bit of warming doesn't it? All of the damge done to nature has been by the so called educated and experts who run head on with a tunnel vision and limited view, disreagarding everything other than their pet peves and narrow agenda.  

    Every part of a natural p***s as well as a Ladies parts has a specific purpose and guarantees the best result for feeling the most pleasure and being able to perform and function optimally during making Love.

    I have a natural p***s, and because the head of my p***s is a membrane with nerves on the surface, I have huge sensation with the experience of slippery, instead of the nerve receptors being under a barrier of several layers of actual skin.

    For the argument of looks!...

    The color of the head is more of a blue color, with kind of a purple color around the crown. As for looks, ladies have been pleased and intrigued by that look instead of dried up wrinkly skin. As for looks, I would expect to win the contest with my attributes.

    I don't put down any Dude's p***s, but you happen to asking about the type that I have, and I thank my Mom and Dad so much for that.

    When mine is erect, the f******n retracts on it's own al looks just like any other p***s except for the above description. Oh for looks, I forgot to mention that it's shiny as well because it isn't dry, or skin.

    Way more important is how it works! I't never going to hang on the wall as an ornament!!!  I hope! Hahaha!

    My Lady gets huge excitement because of what she is able to do to me thought the amazing feelings level that I have.

    I have good control, because with good feelings, I can track exactly where I'm at and increase or decrease stimulation to last long for her best benefits. I can also feel in detail and lightest touch, when I have reached her cervix, so as to be able to make that kind of contact most pleasurable to her instead of scary or painful.

    There are those who will ding me a thumbs down because they don't like to hear what I have or the experience that it gives me. Hey ...Nothing to do with Me!...that's just the way that it is!

    As for the clean arguement ..totally dumb! Come on!!!!   Like wash! Hahaha! A circumcised Dude needs to wash the same. pee runs over that head too.

    As for the Lilly white Ladies, they have places that won't slide open, the sun will never shine there, and they can make gummy bears. Can they smell bad too if not keep clean at all times? Ya think!

    Not down on the Ladies... Love them! ...I am down on a "cleaner than thou attitude"!... For obvious reasons.    

    That gives it!

    Me! :- )

  18. YES they should be circumsized because it is cleaner and it will prevent STD's and cancer. it is just yucky looking i would never touch a girl that wasnt circumsized it is just nasty i cant see how anyone could be uncircumsized!

    Now isnt that a dumb answer Yet it is the answer most chicks give to guys that ask should i be circumsized. there is no differnce between a chick or a dude if they are uncircumsized there are folds and places that stink on a chick if they dont clean themselves just as there is on a guy. the only difference is that you can see the extra skin on a dude and not on a chick.

    Noone should be circumsised



  19. I agree, it's a double standard. I don't think there should be any modification of infant genitals, male or female.


  20. The hypocrisy is astounding, isn't it?

    Most people don't have a clue about male and female anatomy and they don't even REALIZE that men and women both have foreskins. This part of the genitalia is called the PREPUCE. In the male, it's the f******n, and in the female, it's the clitoral hood.

    Female circumcision, as analogous to male circ, is called a hoodectomy. Google it.

    Now, I don't think anyone should be circumcised, but if the reason cited for men is "cleanliness" and "mucosal tissue," well, woman have far more mucosal tissue down there than men.

  21. It is a double standard, and it needs to be stopped!  Circumcision in infants should be illegal!  If you want it done as an adult, that is perfectly fine.  You've made the decision for yourself.

    I am disgusted that those who promote male circumcision for the BS reasons that it's cleaner, healthier, and more cosmetically pleasing have no clue that those are the exact same reasons why people in other parts of the world circumsize their females!  Yes people, the EXACT same reasons.  All female circumcision is NOT the same.  The person asking this question is not talking about the removal of the clitoris itself, and sewing the labia shut.

    By the way, females do have a "f******n" - it's called the clitoral hood.  It comes from the EXACT same structure that eventually becomes the f******n in males.  Any woman who says "I don't have skin over my C**t" does not know her body very well.

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