
Should he have rights?

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Should the father of a child conceived through rape have rights to the child? Okay I am a young teen mom. Which I don't know if it makes a difference but I would like to share my story. I'm turning 17 next month and I have a daughter who turned three last week. She was formally living with my aunt for about two years. Basically all of my first two years of high school and I'm a junior and she is now permanently living with me and my mother. We've been through the courts and everything and he has to pay child support, but since he was under age also when this rape occurred nothing really happened besides him having to spend time in Juvie and his family paying any and all damages but now that she's back living here, he wants to be apart of her life. I'm okay with his mother being there but not him. I hate this. What should I do? I hope this is clear enough! Thanks in Advance.




  1. Of Course Not!

    You have been taking care of the child, well your aunt but its still basically from you and now you're taking care of it.  If he raped you he shouldnt really have any part in the child's life not now at least, i dont know if you want her to know her father when she's older.  I say you continue to go to court until you and your mom have full custody of your child. I wouldn't let the rapist be back in your life though

  2. Get an attorney and see if you can't have him labeled an unfit father.  This should negate any visitation rights that he has, but hopefully, not the child support.  Also, make sure that his Mom does not sneak the baby off to see him when she visits.

  3. Absolutely not. If he raped you, he is a sexual abuser. He shouldn't be allowed anywhere near your daughter. Go to court and make sure he can't have any rights. I am sure the court case you had against him will definitely help you out with gaining full custody. Good luck!!  

  4. This sounds a little weird.... He raped you and because he was under age, he only spent a few months in jail and got out? Now he wants to be a part of this child's life? The child he conceived out of a rape crime he committed? Sounds fishey.

    If the story is in fact that he raped you and you had a baby out of this horrible crime, no, he should not and would not be granted custody of this baby. First, going to court for child support has nothing to do with going to court for custody. The two are way different. And I honestly believe that a child with no parent is better off than a child with a "bad" parent.

    If his man/boy is as bad as you make him out to be, he should not be allowed to even see/spend time with this child.  

  5. Why would a rapist want to see a child he accidentally conceived?? Sounds fishy to sounds like there's another side to this story.

    If it actually was he shouldn't have any rights, and if it actually was rape, the judge would not grant him rights.

  6. I'm sorry that you have to go through this. But you have a few options. Given that you are still teenagers, you can go to court to get full undisputed custody of your daughter. Even though he was underage, it should still be on his record of the rape. You should never have to face him, but at the same time, you may want to. You can be strong and you don't have to be scared of him. He hurt you, but you don't have to let that control your life. YOU should live your life, and be a great mom to your daughter. Just because she was a product of something bad doesn't mean that she needs to carry that burden, and in you allowing him to control you without him even knowing about it, you could end up inadvertently hurting her.

    If you do go to court you can explain your situation, and if he does end up getting visitation, you can request that it is supervised. Any judge in his right mind will understand this and will be more than likely to comply.

    And as much as you hate this guy, he is (unfortunately) the father or your child, and she should know who he is, and eventually she will realize what a loser he really is.

    Good luck and all the best to you and YOUR daughter.  
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