
Should i ask her out?

by  |  earlier

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I like this girl one year younger to me.....i am 16 rite now...shez those shy typ girls.... i first wrote a letter to her....i thought she wont reply but she did...i juz asked her for friendship in da letter...that way we got to know eachother well...i somehow got her number....we started smsing....she got to know that i like her...someway or other....i actually want to speak to her...but shez like wat if my friend doubts n stuff....she also likes or liked sum1else n she trustfully told me...n she was like this other guy hates me like h**l...i wana speak to her....but she doesnt seem to wana speak to me...shez like i am very shy n stuff....though i didnt ask in a direct way....n she was also like twice i tried saying hi to u atleast but u neva noticed me......i was juz wonderng wether she likes me or not.....atleast i do n she knows it........should i ask her out???




  1. Go ask her out she won't say no to a man that is older i know it.  

  2. go for it champ

  3. go for it man

  4. go for it.

  5. Ask Her!! you have to, otherwise you may not get another chance and you'll always wonder..'should i have?' -Trust me, i've been there. Besides, your young, if she says no, you both have time to move on. Go get her!

  6. Not just yet...that was very confusing. Id give it time and see how things go..when you think its obvious she likes you then go for it . Good luck x

  7. work on your grammar first =).. be mature buddy, girls love mature guys that can be fun.. must find a balance..

    But back to your question, your putting her way up on the pedastal and falling into the dreadful "lets just be friends" zone.. Never ever be a shoulder to cry on. That only works in romance movies, and this is real life..

    Girls like sensitive guys but that can be masculine at the same times.. You must find a balance its weird..

    My answer go for it, what do you have to lose, she knows you like her, its obvious.. Now right now you might be lucky and she will say yes, if you let time pass she WILL lose interest.. Its a fact..

    However start acting confident you sound a little down to me.. Sending her a note to be friends? Grow some cojones and be confident.. Walk up to her and straight up say lets go to the mall, I gotta pick up some cologne and I need some of your wise advice.. It'll be fun..

    STick your head up high, I know you got it in you.. Because I was just like that..

    PS Frederick has no idea what hes talking about, yes being older can help, but its all about social status in highschool unfortuneatly.. That doesnt mean she will say no though..


  9. Sounds like she wants to maintain some distance for now, for whatever reason.  Respect that.  Keep messaging, and try talking to her when you can.  Ask her out after you've had some conversations.  

  10. If she already knows you like her, then you should ask her out just to get it over with.  Otherwise things will just get awkward over time.
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