
Should i become a vegetarian?

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what are the benafits of being a vegetarian and do i need to eat meat in this day and age? and do any of us need to eat meat these days?




  1. i tryed and i did it for ......5 months then i just wanted chiken

    do it for a time to see how u go and see if u wanna cary on!

  2. meat is NOT necessary to fact, it's not even necessary to THRIVE.  some of the most accomplished people of all time were vegetarians, and they were far from withering away.  here are a few: leonardo da vinci, albert einstein, benjamin franklin, and thomas edison.

    if meat was necessary to survive there are many users of this forum who would have kicked the bucket long ago.

    contrary to popular belief, EVERY nutrient in meat can be found from other sources.  there is nothing in meat that you can't get from somewhere else, and anyone who says otherwise doesn't know much about vegetarianism.

    different people will have different benefits from going veg, but overall here are a few benefits:

    more energy

    clearer skin

    cheaper groceries

    no guilt!

    you might become more adventurous with food

    less chance of heart disease or diabetes

    etc. etc. etc.

    i'm not going to tell you that you should be a vegetarian, but if you're interested in it you might as well give it a shot!  you'll be amazed at how great you'll feel in body and in mind.  i would highly recommend it. =)

  3. Do you actually believe in it?  If so, then you absolutely should.  

    There are many health benefits to not eating meat.  Not ingesting hormones, getting heart disease, having bad skin, etc, etc, etc.

    No, we don't need to eat meat anymore, there are plenty of substitutions out there to get your nutrients from.

  4. This might get graphic

    Biggest benefit for my life being a veghead.  My digestive system is working well and on a regular bases.  The problem is meat is harder to digest.  I used to spend a lot of time in the restroom during movements.  Now with the new diet time has drastically been reduced.  And furthermore less effort.



  5. Noone needs meat. They need protein which you can find in tofu,beans,peas,nuts,etc..

    Need is something you have to have in order to live. If I NEEDED meat, I wouldnt be here right now.

    The benefits are just feeling better as a person and in your body. I feel clensed knowing I didnt consume death that day. It was easy for me since I didnt really like meat to begin with so depending on your views..go at your own speed to make this decision. Im proud youre thinking of it though :)

  6. no you shoudnt chefs find it hard to cook for veggies!FACT!

  7. Very few people need to eat meat in this day and age - protein comes from many vegetable sources, as well as dairy and eggs.

    The reason I say 'few' however, rather than 'none' is that some people have allergies that would probably prevent them getting protein from other sources, or just live very very active lifestyles and/or are growing a lot (my brother, for instance, is a rower, and also a teenager, and I don't think he'd be at all happy without meat.)

    The benefit for me has been a clear conscience. I didn't agree ethically with animals dying just for the sake of my stomach. Some people also lose weight, and vegetarianism will keep you off red meat, so make heart attacks less likely.

    Edit - Vitamin B12 is also found in milk, eggs, cereals. Protein is in a lot of veggie products - e.g. beans, pulses, tofu, soya, fungi, dairy, eggs. Iron - any green vegetables, lentils, peas, beans, bread, potato skins. There is not really ANYTHING humans cannot get when they cut meat out. It is a vegan diet that is harder to sustain.

  8. Become Lacto-vegetarian... :)

  9. you do not NEED to eat meat. it is a personal choice. But there are no real advantages to leaving meat out of your diet. Many people who are vegetarians choose so because they dont like meat or because they do not agree with the treatment of food animals. But biologically your evolution has designed you to eat meat, your body is designed to consume meat. If you do completly swear off meat make sure you start taking supplements as a healthy diet requires an intake of various nutrients, such as protien or other various amino acids only found in meat.

  10. Well it is really up to you, not us. It depends on your beliefs and if you want to eat innocent animals or not.... you do not NEED meat, you can get protein from other sources, like soy, tofu, lean dairy, beans, nuts and peanut butter. Some seem to think you need meat to survive, but you truly do not.

  11. yes, we need meat.

  12. Being vegetarian is much healthier, as long as you get in all the necessary vitamins and nutrients.  Vegetarians generally live longer than meat-eaters.  When you go vegetarian, you can easily get all the benefits of meat products, but with a lot less fat, oil, etc.

    Unless you live in a forest alone, with no food, where you have to eat squirrels or nothing at all, you do not NEED to eat meat.  I have been vegetarian for 10 years (since I was 4), and I have had no health problems related to my vegetarianism.  (and I haven't been taking any supplements or anything)

    However, being a vegetarian does not mean you should just eat fruits and veggies.  You need to make sure you eat balanced meals, with a little from each food group (fruits; veggies; bread/grain; beans, eggs, soy, nuts, peas, protein...; dairy).  

    It doesn't sound like you're thinking about going vegan (no animals AND no animal by-products, i.e. milk, eggs, gelatin...), but, if you do, it would be a good idea to consult your doctor before-hand, to make sure you'll get in the necessary nutrients.

    Good luck! :)

  13. You do need meat but im vegitarian and i take protien tablets :)

    Im fine amd healthy . Go for it if you want :D Oh and may i just say dont stick to salads as you will get bored and could give up being a vegitarian.Heres a good vegitarian website

    Hope it helps

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