
Should i clip my quakers wings?

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Should i clip my quakers wings?




  1. I like to keep my quakers wings clipped. Inside it stops them from fast flying into walls / windows etc, or from getting out of my sight too fast.

    Outside - well obviously it stops them from becoming a tasty snack to any birds of prey or the nrighbours dogs /cat etc.

    If you don't know how to properly cut your quakers wings get it done by a vet.

    When I got my first Quaker her wings were cut badly, making her just drop to the ground. She tried to fly off her play gym when she was startled and cracked her chest open.

    It resulted in a $400+ vet bill which included flight feather implants.

    Now mine are cut so that after launching they can make it almost across the room but they gradually glide to the ground. They have enough oomph if jumping from say the floor to the couch or the floor to my shirt to climb the rst of the way up, or can fly from they cage / play gym to my shoulder if I am a few feet away,  but won't get any lift while flying.

  2. I would Quakers are notorius escape artists. so you if you want to have a chance on catching him clip his wing. but please keep in mind some quakers will stillfly with clipped wings

  3. yes, eventough most ppl think they can prevent their bird from flying away, usually it happens also you wouldnt want your bird flying all over the house and it may fly into a window or toilet for their safety clip their wings it doesnt hurt them as long as you dont clip a blood feather. take it to a vet to clip.

  4. Interesting as I read through these none would even consider not clipping. How could so many people want to cripple their birds without a second thought to any other methods. Like training maybe. Parrots are suppose to be the smartest animals on earth (except man). So why can not a parrot learn windows, mirrors and other problems. And Dogs, Cats and other things, birds have escape from them for ever if they are flighted. It is so much healthier to have a flighted bird over a clipped bird that the comparison is not even close. A parrot can only do two things when they are scared, they can fly away or they can fight (biting). You take away flying away then they are left with only one thing they can do. So why do people clip I think they are lazy a lot of the time. It is hard work training a flighted bird to come back to you on command. One of the things that define a bird is it's wings. So why cripple your parrot and command it to a shorter life where they have to worry about getting step on, get eat by the household cat or dog.

  5. I guess it depends on why you want to and the circumstances?

    Is the bird already tame?  Are there other animals in the house?  If he's already tame, I wouldn't clip his wings.

    If he's pretty wild and you'd like to tame him, teach him, etc then I would.  When we finally clipped our parakeets wings they realized that they needed to trust us when they were out of their cage and very quickly became tamed down and a lot of fun.  

  6. Unless you want your quaker flying around the house, I would.

    Just go to your local petstore, and they can clip them fast and easy for about 5 dollars.

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