
Should i confessssss??????

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Today in the class i threw a chalk outside through the window in the absence of our teacher and the chalk hit a person...he in return threw a large stone at our class windowww......Our teacher scolded each and everyone present in the class and has told that she will take us to the principal 2moro,,Should i admit and save the class or be a sole watcher and let evryone be punished for my mistakeeeee..........I am feeling guilty....I am a very good student and i m everyone"s favourite in the school, If i confess my mistake my impression will be down like hellllll.....plzzzzz help....




  1. Something similar happened to me when I was in school.  I was presented with the same dilemma, either confess or the whole class gets in trouble.  Well, I didn't say anything but, I was found out anyway and got in even more trouble than if I had told the truth when asked.  Plus all the teachers thought of me as the liar and it took forever to get back in their good graces.  My advice to you is to own up to your mistake.  Your teachers and fellow classmates will respect you for your honesty.

  2. lol thats a bit unfortunate. U throw chalk out a window and they lob a stone back. did anybody no u threw th chalk out of the window? cos if no one saw u, don't bother confessing! It's not a big deal, jus one of those funny things that happen in life. You're not gonna die.

  3. no it won't!  if you own up to your actions they WILL think even more of you!

    look your human you can't be perfect all the time!  They expect you to act out a little even if your the favorite!  but what  they look for is how you react and what you learn from it!

    Trust me... your impression will not change for the worse if you own up for your actions!  yeah they may tell you what you did was bad but you have a past and that's what they are going to look at!  not the one time you goofed up!!!!

    be proud and own up to it!

  4. Yes, you should confess to what you did.  You did something foolish.  You saw the consequences of your action.  Now everyone is going to pay the price for what has happened.  (Think what it would be like if you were one of the people being punished for another person's foolish, wrongful act.  I bet you wouldn't like it.)  Also, you just might have a fellow student who knows exactly what you did, but he/she is not speaking up.  But your true character is really on trial here.  If you don't confess, that other student will know you as a deceitful, untrustworthy person.  If you do confess, you will probably rise up to be known as a truthful, honest person who just happened to have made a stupid mistake (and who in the world hasn't done that, eh?).  Turn this into a growth experience instead of a childish prank.

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