
Should i continue dating him????

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i recently posted something abt my "bf" and his obnoxious behavoirs, but i wanted to know is it worth dating a guy if u have no plans of marrying him??? my family keeps telling me this but i like dating guys cuz its fun and i like meeting new people. I don't know im 18 at this point should i focus on a real relationship that is realistic? or just be with someone i ahve no intention of marrying or being in a longterm relationship with..just wondering....




  1. no matter what your age you should never be in a relationship if you don't see it lasting.  i couldn't see why people did that when i was 16 and now i am 24 and still don't see why people do that.  

  2. Yes, I believe you should date :))  There are lots of lessons to learn about relationships.  You need to have your heartbroken and you need to break a few hearts before you know and understand yourself as well as know what kind of person you are looking for.  Go out and have fun with those you feel comfortable with.  I wouldn't take things too seriously, just maintain respect for yourself and those around you and eventually you will find your perfect partner.  Good luck!

  3. You don't sound like you're ready for a long term relationship. Plus, you're 18...there are other things on your mind than getting married, having kids, etc. Take your time growing up...don't try to speed up the process! If you aren't ready for a long term relationship and you just want to casually date, then do it. There is nothing wrong with that. Besides, how will you know what you're looking for in a man if you don't see what's out there first? And, I don't know about you but when I date someone, I never go into it thinking "This is a long term relationship". Sometimes it isn't and sometimes we really hit it off and it turns into a few years and then we realize that that is it and move on.

    Take your time. Casually date if you want to. No harm in it.  

  4. you have a long time before thinking about marrying someone ................ your youngh and go out have fun your 18 you are your own person and you have your on mind you go for what you want not for what others tell you to do

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