
Should i do anything? ?

by  |  earlier

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My bestie's dad is a smoker and usually smokes inside the house. He's also a drunk but hasnt done anything harmful ... so my friend says.

When i told mum and dad, they forbid me to go to her place. they also said that i shouldnt do anything cos its their business but i would b pretty devasted if my friend died early.

The last time i was over at her place and her dad was there, the house filled with the cig-smell but my friend and her sister are used to it so they didnt notice.

So is there anythng i should do?




  1. It's sad that people can be so inconsiderate to there family...but to tell you the truth as long as theres no phisicle harm being done you should probly lean out of this one.Its sweet your concerned but the best thing you could do is just be a freind and help him or her not to lead there life in the same dirrection.

  2. Just be a good friend, listen to her when she wants to talk and look out for her. If you notice she's acting differently or something, take an indirect approach and confront her. A direct confrontation will scare her off.

    Her dad might not necessarily be abusive, but just be vigilant.

    Hope I helped.

  3. ithink its ok.. u cnt stop people from doing wht they do in ther house...n i think your parents r just over reacting.. but still i think wht is bothering them is drinking habit more than the smoking one.. just be good frnds the way u r but try meeting in your house mostly if possible.. tk cr  

  4. maybe respectyour parents wishes? If they don't want you going over there  then don't go over there. Your friend has probably gotten used to having a smoker in the house so she dosn't mind smoke. As for the drinking, you can't do anything unless you know that he did something to your friend, which you don't. But if something bad does happen and your sure of it then call the police. But for know just respect your parents and make sure your friend knows you love her.

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